i walked out of the room with the crowd. As i exited i saw Sebastian standing out in the corridor, i could feel sleep calling me. Being up this early in the day was NEVER to my liking
"We have the Classes off today and we are to meet at early sunset for further instructions."
"And what is it you will have to do?"
"Some minor demons are terrorising a village... and there is also a large demon in the centre of all this."
Sebastian chuckled a little. "Demons?"
"Yes, it is highly intersting."
"You need your rest now, come."
Sebastian lead me back to my room.
The window was open and a gentle breeze was coming in. i laied down and went to sleep shortly. Dreams of open woods and running at my fasest speed. I was racing my dearest friend, he was behind me yet we both knew he was the fasest.
I watched as Jezabelle went to sleep. I sat against the window, i was confident that Shori would keep his mate with him and i would not have to worry about Shimei entering in. I took off my coat and sat near the window. The breeze was nice and gentle i closed my eyes and could almost IMAGINE the woods back home.
As i leaned back i caught a scent of a familiar friend. I took a quick look out the window and saw no one there... i did however see a single red rose with a black ribbon around it's stem. Shaking my head i grabbed the rose and chucked it onto Jezabelle's bed side table.
I then walked out of the room and went to the showers.
I stumbled out of the room. Demons... why'd it have to be Demons. I walked around a bit... Why did i have to become lost. All i wanted was to go back to sleep!!
Finally i stumbled into a quiet room wih a comfy chair and lounging in it i went to sleep.... an uncomfortable sleep, but SLEEP!!!