
I don't remember most of the meeting in all honesty...I....wasn't exactly "awake" to begin with. The whole thing is kinda just a haze to me. The next thing I knew, I was waking up near the end of the afternoon in Shori's dormroom. At first I had thought we'd missed the entire thing, but luckily I was wrong. Shori informed me of the content...all I need know at least.

"How immensely pointless...though I do like one part of this..." I voiced when he was through with his explanation.

"Really now, and which part would that be?" Shori smirked.

"Getting out of these stuffy academy grounds and out to explore a bit." He repeated in unison with me. Shori knew me far too well. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him in the stomach.

"Seriously though...just what do they hope to achieve by sending us after the demon? They must KNOW we are strong enough to deal with it." I asked outright.

"Or perhaps they don't. Chances are, this is all a test. I'm also willing to bet it's not as simple as we are all set to assume." Shori conveyed. "Though, I am not worried in the slightest, naturally."

I smiled. "Of course not." I knew well just how strong Shori was, he had nothing to fear...from any race. Even I was a decent fighter, nothing special...but I could subdue a demon easily least I thought as much...

"Your problem don't have enough faith in your own power Mei." Shori suddenly spoke out, he must've noticed my expression. Approaching, he gently rose my chin with his hand. "You are much stronger than even you realize..."

I smiled slightly and pulled away. I did...I doubted myself...

He sighed. "Anyhow, I have packed my things...we have to go to your room now to gather the rest, and then we should be just in time to depart."

"Understood." I smirked and headed for the door. "You don't think....SHE'LL be there you?"

Shori gave me a nervous glance. "Actually, I'm almost completely sure she'll be there...she was almost as tired as you were after that meeting. didn't have to CARRY her."

I blushed a bit, I realized by his tone that he was playfully targeting me with that comment. Getting a quick idea, I grabbed Shori's shoulder, pulling him down to my level slightly. Leaning up with my mouth, I whispered in his ear lightly, "Race Ya." Then before he could register it I was gone. Off towards my dorm-room.

My small kitty plush flowed in the wind. There was no way Shori would beat me. Not with that luggage. Rounding the corner, almost knocking over several people that happened to get in my way, I didn't stop to even apologize. That would take far too long! I was almost there!!! And then....

"Oh Mei, when will you learn. You have to scope out the shortcuts first..." Shori lectured from the door.

My mouth dropped. "No way!! How did you beat me Sho!!" I shouted approaching him.

"Simple my dear, I took a shortcut." He smirked pointing at the roof. Of had taken me much longer weaving through all the civilians... I narrowed my eyes at him, practically declaring my win in our next

"Don't worry about it, point is, we're here. Should we knock fir-"

Before he could finish his sentence I threw open the door. "This is my room too. There is no reason for such courtesies." I declared, though I did keep my voice down a notch...I noticed her sleeping. While I did not like this person...I wasn't about to intentionally be rude. -_- Slowly I began to shift through my stuff...still lying untouched in the corner. I'd only put a couple things away, until I'd gotten bored. >.>'

It was around this time that I heard her shifting around....she was waking up...I looked quickly from side-to-side....yes there was no avoiding it...confrontation was eminent at this point. I just sighed and waited....

