I woke up slowly... I heard the faint rufflings around me as someone looked around the room. Half tempted to let out a small groan i got up silently and turned to see who was in the room with me. Expecting it to be Sebastian i checked the time without looking in my guests direction.
As i reached out to check the alarm cloack my hand went over a rose.... a single rose with a black ribbon.... My heart skipped a beat as my hand went to the rose. Finally i looked behind me as a silence was deafing.
"Sebastian is this from......." looking behind me i saw my room mate. Shimei. I cursed myself slightly at not realising who it was. I quickly swept my fingers through my hair to tame the waves that had developed while i slept.
"Shimei. An unexpected surprise...." i followed her gaze towards the rose, i quickly hid it behind my back and again fiddled to tame my hair. A wicked grin appered on her face as she bent back down to get her belongings.
"I have to get some supplies for the mission.... my ledge." she mocked a bow and continued on. This child trually DID grind my bones... and nerves.
Before i could retaliate i heard a conversation from the door.
"Shori. It's good to see you again."
"You too Sebastian. How was the shower?"
"Nice, the waters pretty warm."
"So you DIDN'T melt?"
"Nah.... That would have to be some REALLY hot water."
"Maybe next time."
"So why you hanging around here?"
"Shemei's getting some stuff."
"I'm done." Shimei exited the room without a good bye a bundle of clothes in her hands.
"WOOO, Would you not want a bag for those?" Sebastian quibbed.As silenced answeared him he came into the room and grabbed a bag from the floor. His hair was still wet and dripping as he smiled at me.
"Here Shimei.... You know... she won't bite your head off."i got up and looked at the floor. So was i really so bad someone wouldn't even talk to me? a simple conversation too much to handle. Turning to my wardrobe i began to get out clothes to wear and pack. i highly doubted that i would be gone too long but it was just to be safe. Tying my hair back in a ponytail i continued to listen in on the conversation outside the door.
"Just give her a try... talk about Shakespear. That's generally a safe topic..... BUT until that happens... i'll see if..."
"The rose... Who's it from?"
I could hear Sebastian take a breath in, i could almost IMAGINE the sly smile he had on his face.
"It's from a friend of ours... Seeing as he gave a rose to Jezabelle and not one for me... i think he's missing her a WHOLE lot more then he's missing me."
"Friend?? Is he a pureblood."
"You could say that..."
"Figures a pure-blood with a pure-blood."
"A vampire with a were-wolf...." Came Sebastian's gentle reply. "Throughs a wrench in the works doesn't it?"
"I see..." Came Shimei's gentle voice.
"Shori, Shimei. Good seeing you again. And good-luck with your mission if i'm not able to tell you later."
With that Sebastian walked into the room and looked at me.
"Why did you do that?"
"Did you straighten out the whole 'secret lover' thing with her?"
"Then there you go." a mischevious smile spread throughout his features. i could help but smile back at him. I didn't appreciate what he did, but he DID always know how to make me smile... even IF it was by laughing at my self.
"You want me to leave so you can get dressed?"
"No, i'll get dressed later."
"Ok then... But at least brush your hair." he said grabbing a hairbrush from the counter.
"Do you think this mission will be difficult?" racking the gold leafed brush through my hair.
"No, Just decapitating a couple demons... Nothing too specail. i recall you being able to do that when you were... THIS big." he said motioning to the height of my eyebrows.
I stiffled a giggle and went back to packing my things. Sebastian sat on a cahir watching me yet i could feel his focus was elsewhere.
"Whats on your mind?"
"You.... going outside the school gates."
"I'll be fine."
"You better be.... or HE won't be impressed." Sebastian said picking up the rose and giving it a sniff. Placing it on my bed. He gave me a quick peck on the forehead and went out the room.
"Front gates, don't be late."
"I'm NEVER late." i said and continued on as he closed the door as he exited.