Waiting at the starting line

It was finally time for the ridiculous mission to start.Everyone was gathering at the main gate.As I approached it I saw the one person who would get in my way the most.Makoto Megami.I approached him to inform him of what would happen if he got in my way.

"Well if it isn't the little kitten."said Makoto.

"Shut up you waste of existance."I said,"I came to inform you to stay out of my way out there."

"What for?"he asked with a smug look,"I'm going to finish the enemy off before you can lift a paw."

"Just stay away from the big demon because he is mine."I said.

"We'll see."he said.

That reply made me want to do nothing more than kill him there but I couldn't.I needed these useless teammates to distract the small-fry with.The only thing I will regret is why they will live.
