We received individual scrolls with detailed instruction of the terrain, and not too long after we were off. I watched as the demons fought amongst themselves...but that wasn't too exciting. I knew nothing would happen right in front of the teachers...chh. Soon we left, Shori and I moving at a calm pace. I wasn't afraid as long as I was with him...Shori would protect me from anything. It was too bad the moon was just barely waning though...what Shori would be able to do on a crescent moon...
The further away we got from the school, and the darker the forest became the deeper we went in, the more I was reminded of the forest in which I'd been trained. Brenin stalking me at every corner...never knowing where he would strike...shuddering I walked closer behind Shori and grabbed the back of his jacket...clutching it tightly.
"What is it Mei?" He queried with concern. "Brenin's not training you now...you'll be okay. I should never have let him put you through that..."
"No...it's alright Shori...I'm okay as long as you're here." I put a false smile on my face...but all around I could smell it...wolf... There were other beasts here as well...and they were beginning to close in on our position. "Let's use the trees...I don't like staying on the ground...we should probably pick up our pace too..."
"I think you're right." He agreed, and we started to jump through the trees quickly.
I was leading the way, and soon I began to notice the trees thinning out in certain areas. I wasn't too concerned until I heard a loud crash from the left. The sound of a tree coming down. Right at me! I tried to divert my course, but it was too late. My arms came up defensively, but I was taken out by Shori as we both cascaded to the ground.
I breathed heavily as my head jumped up trying to see just what had caused the tree to fall. "Thanks Sho..." I spoke gingerly trying to help him up.
"Mei...where is it..." He spoke with his hand over his eyes...trying to clear his vision after the fall.
"I--I don't know...I can't see anything..." No sooner had the words left my lips than a vine took hold of my foot and knocked me to the ground. It quickly began sucking me back toward a dense piece of wood. "SHORIIIIIIII!!!" I screamed desperately, trying to get it off my foot...but I couldn't so much as sit up. In a flash Shori ran past and just as he was about to cut me free...was knocked back in the stomach by another vine. I couldn't see it...it blended in with the shadows too efficiently. And then the vine on my foot was pierced by a knife...Shori had quickly recovered and countered...it stopped moving...and just when I thought I was free, I was suddenly lifted into the air, drawn back and released like a slingshot.
Shori launched from a nearby tree, catching me. Slightly shaking, I tried to see the source of the creature...and then I found it...I could hear it's heart pounding. "Listen....listen!" I told Shori as I clasped to the front of his shirt. "It's there...follow the beating! You'll never find it with your eyes...."
"Good Job Mei...Sit tight...this'll only take a minute." He consoled me, then headed off toward the beast. Only now did I even try to look at our surroundings. The edge of the forest...right on the borders of a cliff. A vine lashed out as Shori reached the tree's edge, he lifted his arm defensively, allowing it to wrap round his wrist. Using that as leverage, he pulled on it and prepared to let it drag him in.
And then...my heart stopped when I realized something...far too late. As I listened closely....I could hear it. Thump Thump...Thump Thump....THUMP THUMP THUMP.... THERE WERE TWO!! One was...right UNDER me!! From the cliff edge a vine snapped around my foot and pulled me over...the last thing I saw was Shori trying to rush after me...but he would never reach me in time. I tried to free myself from the vine...but it was futile. I was knocked against the cliff side hard and things began to go dark...I was going to my death...or so I thought...
"Ugh....." I moaned as I slowly opened up my eyes. A figure sat on a rock before me...my vision was hazy. "Sho.....ri....?"
"Guess again...princess."
My heart stopped...slowly I tried to sit up...but it was difficult...my entire body ached. I wanted to run...I had to get away... "....Adam..." I mumbled with a tinge of fear.
I heard him stand up. "I thought cat's always landed on their feet." He joked while fiddling with my hat...in his grasp. "Tell me my little rose...why did you cut that lovely hair of yours? It was very beautiful...and suited you well."
"Go away...leave me alone...."
"Oh, don't be that way. Is that how you treat the man who just saved you from certain death? If anything...I would say you owed me something. Why...your very life even." He mocked.
"I owe you nothing..." I rebuked...trying to put on a brave front. But inside I was trembling. I was all alone...I couldn't sense Shori anywhere.
He smiled. "You make this so much fun. Princess...don't think I'll give up on you just because you're harsh with me. That just makes the prize even more fulfilling."
He began to approach me as I forced myself to stand. I wanted to run...but my legs wouldn't move...I fell down again. He was closing in on me...and then we heard the sound of footsteps approaching quickly. At an all out run even. Turning his head quickly his smile quickly changed to a frown.
"It would seem the time to make myself scarce...wouldn't want sweet Shori to find me, that would only cause unneeded complications. Farewell my rose princess...do wait for me will you? The day for me to claim you will come..."
A tear slid down my cheek...he was gone. The person burst through the nearby brush into the clearing I was in. "SHO--...." It wasn't him...
Long wild blonde hair...a fur torso vest...and dark leather pants. His boots seemed to have an endless supply of buckles...and when my eyes reached his face once more, I noticed him looking straight at me. "A vampire huh?" He asked and came over to me. "You okay there?" Slowly he extended his hand to me...I took it and stood. My body still ached.
"Thanks..." I spoke solemnly.
"Don't wanna be having a nap in THESE woods trust me. See this is what happens" He spoke, lifting his sleeve to show me a fresh wound. I winced a bit...he then bent down and brushed my knees off. "I hope you're okay, you alright to move?"
I was slightly surprised...it was a little awkward...he was treating me like a child. "Yeah...I'm fine..."
"So why are you here anyway?" He continued, standing back up.
"We're on a mission."
"What to kill demons in the big bad woods?" He almost snickered.
"Not quite. In a village on the other side of the mountain." I answered, starting to look around my surroundings. Try9ing to get my bearings.
"You going all alone?"
"No...there's a small party of varying races. Humans, demons, vampires and angels...we all split up though..."
"You guys all from that Hano Academy over there?" He queried. He was speaking to me, yet it seemed like he was a bit distracted.
"Yeah." I answered only slightly paying attention myself. I could hear the night life moving around. I was scared...being all alone...I just felt like Adam would come back for me any moment...I had never felt so afraid....never....
"These woods are a bit scary, especially when the sun goes down. How about I walk with you to this town? That is, if you're okay with that. I know how you vampire girls can be." He suddenly asked. He had a cheeky smile on his face....I knew my fear was showing...but I didn't wanna reject his offer. He seemed like he could protect me...until I found Shori.
"Um...sure I guess..." I answered nonchalantly. But secretly...I was flooded with relief.
"Alright, which way to this village?" He asked, standing in the opposite direction.
"Uh...that way...." I pointed, now that I was calmer, everything was clear to me again.
"Ah Right. You would think a guy like me would have a decent sense of direction, wouldn't you?" He chuckled and started in the direction I'd pointed.
I followed after him. My body was hurting, but I refused to give in...I would make it to Shori. I would find him...I just hoped he was okay....
OMG that's long isn't it? ^^; Sorry, I was gonna split it into two parts...but it's better this way XD
Thank you so much Kills for collabing!! Helped me out bunches!!! >:3
Shimei: TT__TT Shoriiii.....annnnd...annd....
Kira: What Mei??
Shimei: HE STOLE MY HAT!!!!! *cries*
Kira: Heh...so he did....Oh Adam.... XD