After a few seconds of trying to become one with the tree behind me i opened my eyes. TEETH!!!! AHHHH
I through my arms around my head. PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!!! i heard in my head. But after a while there was still nothing. This time i opened my eyes slowly and peaking through my arms i saw the monstter was no longer moving. Taking my arms away from my head i noticed that it had been killed. A spear through it's thick skull on BOTH sides. Suspending the head in where it had been killed. and yet it still looked alive.
Blood tripped down the spears and stank of demon.
"EWWWW" i said holding my nose and edging away from it.
"Who knew? a pureblood who doesn't like blood." A small chuckle followed. I looked around. The voice so familiar i swear i could already see him infront of me. Not seeing him i leant against the beast he had killed.
GRRRRRRRR "AHHHHHH" i screamed ripping my hand away from the monster. THE THING WAS STILL ALIVE!!!!!!!
"Yeah. Beware that. They don't go down as quickly as you'd like." I looked up at the branch above the monster to it's right. Longe blonde wild hair, a fur vest and black leather pants. If it wasn't for the boots i'd swear it was a friend of mine
"Where's Alex? Your leader?" i asked him, squinting trying to get a better look at him in the darkness. He jumped down and stood infront of me. Head and shoulders taller then me he was roughly the same size as Alex. Out of no-where he put me and in a head lock.
"I AM ALex you bat-brain." he joked giving me a noogy
"How you been pansy?" i rubbbed the top of my head as he let me go
"Checking up on a friend." he said shrugging his shoulders and trying to hhide his laughter at the fact i could have nearly been neutered.
"Sebastian? How do you even like him?"
"Just because you have a personal grudge against him doesn't mean he's not a nice guy." Alex said scruffing my hair like i was a little child and he was my father.
"Not the hair."
"HAHA, ok Mr.Perfect. Why you out hear?"
"No reason." i said putting my hands behind my head and streching. Alex came in close and looked my in the eye.
"So you were going to die.... for no reason?"
"Yeah. It's a fun kinda concept you should try it."
"No thanks I like my ass IN TACT thank-you very much." I continued walking while Alex followed.
"Jeza about to kill you yet?"
"No but this demon Makoto might."
"Makoto.... hmmm, i think i heard that name before."
"Really? hmp."
"Alright. What's got your knickers in a twist?"
"You STILL angry about the..."
"No. I gotta find him."
"The Six-fingered Serpent?"
"Yeah. He killed my parents, and yet the b****d keeps slipping through my fingers!!GRRR" I punched a nearby tree only for it to slap me in the back of the head with one of it's branches. Alex grabbed the scruff of my coat and pulled me back up to my feet.
"Well..... If it makes you feel better....." Alex mumbled on. He then grabbed an envalope from his pocket and handed it to me.
"Whats this?"
"The current body your personal demon is hiding in."
"you mean???" i asked excitedly.
"Yeah, caught him grabbing the body a couple days ago. He won't be able to change for a year now."
"A year....." That'll be long enough.
"So unless you need any more help..... I'll be following my OWN trail." he said stopping as we came upon the edge of the cliff.
"SHizan." i said as i nearly fell down the edge.
"Don't go killing yourself will ya?"
"A promise is a promise. And my promise...."
"Was you'd revenge your parents...... i know..... Good luck."
"Don't need it. I got me some bad-ass skillz."
"Whatever." alex said as he walked off and waved without lookig back. It was odd in all the time i have known him he never wore shoes. Whenever he'd visit the mansion he'd borrow some of mine so that the elders wouldn't try killing him. What changed my good friend? What changed?
He walked for a little then jumpign changed into a wolf. Fur liek that of his vest he looked back at me. Raising his head high he howled. A pack jumped out from the bushes and walked with him. I held the picture up and nodded my head in thanks. Then placing it in my bag i jumped high, grabbed a vine that was suspended in the middle of the distance i needed to jump. As i grabbed it the the vine lashed to the other side. STUPID PLANTS ARE NOT MENT TO LIVE. It sent my hurling over the tops of the trees and into the entrance of a caves.
I grabbed my PSP from my bag, turned it on and used the screen light as a flash light. I hope this is the right tunnel under the moutain.......
I shook my head as James grabbed hold of a living vine... At least it got him to the other side of the cliff i guess. As he was sent screaming.... and YES i DO mean screaming over the valley, i took ahold of the female vampire scent i had before. Blood was lacing the scent. She must have ate before she left i thought. And for some reason my heart sank. Why? Did i for some sadistic reason want a vampire to feed from me??!!
The pack females are secure. They shall be giving birth to the pups soon. Long black hair hid the scars that laced Samuel's body, even though he looked like serval other of his cronys i knew it was him instantly. We didn't call him Saber tooth for no reason. HE was vicious enough for outsiders to think he was blood thirsty. But the love he HAD held for his mate proved otherwise.
and sister? i asked. She was going to be having her first litter. Mother was keeping her eye (her one and only eye) on her at all times incase of complications. My sister's mate wasn't even able to come near her without mother growling at him as though he was threatening my dear sister.
Apart from mum being there, she's fine.... Do you REALLY think this is a safe place to keep the packs young?
Well except for the random demon, where fine here. The demons DO have brains, they've learnt we mean business i kept my nose to the ground following the scent. She was with a different male now. I was getting closer though.
Samuel remained silent for a small period and it got me concenered
Samuel....... What is it?
mother wants to talk to you
She thinks you are mated In our world that was the equivalent of married.
How can I be? i would have told you. All of you would know already
She thinks.....
She thinks it's to..... to a vampire he looked away ready for my backlash at his words. but mother was always very accurate. Annoyingly so at this point. I was not mate.... but that didn't stop me wanting what i could not have.
How does she think such?
You smelt of vampire last night. After you brought back that demon carcass
I went to see Sebastian, you know that!! I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. A small growl in my throat.
I KNOW. but mother doesn't understand
I growled and looked away. Finally after a few seconds i looked back to Samuel
Go back to the pack. Ensure our females are fine, then hunt for dinner
And the vampire we are tracking?
They are of little harm to us. I can take them
Understood little brother he said a laugh in his voice. He butted my head and motioning to the rest of the pack to follow he left, a small glance back he nodded.
I continued on. As the scent became stronger i turned into my human form. Coming up on the clearing i came out.
But the vampire infront of me wasn't who i expected. I took a quick sniff
"A vampire, huh?" i looked at her. Now that i was closer i realised that i had been focusing too much on the average scent and not enough on the indervisual one. I was such a FOOL. Trying not to kick myself too much i came closer to her.
"You okay there?" i extended my arm and helped her up. She had the scent of being scared but after a while her confidence grew. A misison hay??? so THAT'S where James was heading. IDIOT, why didn't he just tell me. Eventually we started walking. Her hair was a little dishevelled and untidy but otherwise she was in good nick.
As a guy of the woods, who spends his ENTIRE day in the woods you'd think i would have learnt which way was the village. But no time to dwell on that now. I walked ahead and she followed. I kept my hand on the silver dagger that was at my hip, it started getting warm to the touch.... it's brother was close... VERY CLOSE....