Jezabelle Profile

Name: Jezabelle
Gender: FEMALE
Age: ? (she's a dang Vampire who knows!!)
Height: 5'6"
Race: VAMPIRE (blood sucker)
Birthplace: I believe it was somewhere in Europe....
Eye Colour: Blue (soo light it's creepy... but it's better then when they go red)

Hair Colour: BLACK
Style: it goes down past her shoulders and is dead straight, side fringe
Unifrom: she wears it primp and proper. She doesn't disobey the rules in other words.

Personality: She is VERY strict and if someone breaks the rules she's not afraid to break a couple fingers to make sure they don't forget to follow the rules. She generally seems emotionless but when something happens (that she doesn't like) she's quick to snap into a rage.... and unfortuanly VERY few people/ vampire/ demons/ angels, KNOW when she's angry.... but don't worry when she's REALLY angry... well you won't be alive TOO much longer so don't worry about not realising....

She's a pure blood vampire and is the Leader for her clan, name is still unknown. She is engaged to be married to James of the same clan (they aren't related in ANY WAY except their both pure bloods). She detests the idea of becoming the bride to someone selfish and arrogant (like James) She DOES want to find her BLOOD mate (a vampires version of TRUE LOVE) However she hasn't found him yet and she's slightly saddened about that... but her mind is more on controlling her clan and being the best leader she can be...

OK i think that's enough for you guys...

Jezabelle: Do you think you have said enough?
Kill Sasuke: I don't know... now that you say it there are a couple more plots *gets hit by frying pan*
Jezabelle: Don't be a fool, it wasn't a question. You have said enough.
Kill Sasuke: OHHH, well it's time for your interveiw.... YAY
Jezabelle: Fine *sits down gracefully* you may begin
Kill ssasuke: Favourite colour?
Jezabelle: Black and red... i am still undecided.
Kill Sasuke: Who do you know is coming to the castle?
Jezabelle: My cousin Sebastian.
Kill Sasuke: What's he like?
Jezabelle: Annoying but he gets the job done when u ask him to get it done.
Kill Sasuke: SOOO... how do you think the SOUTH wing is going to be?
Jezabelle: i would have prefered a room in the West tower... but i am sure i will be able to obtain a room on the top floor of the south wing and hopefully without A ROOM mate... Those rooms are riduculously small.
Kill Sasuke: if you could PICK who'd be in your room who would you pick?
Jezabelle: Sebastian.... he would by my room mate but he would never enter my room. But i must have a female room mate....
Sebastian: Don't worry cousin i shall dress as a girl
Kills: 0.o
