Silent Stalker

Skylar could hear Shimei's footsteps drawing closer. He suspected her to ask a million and one questions but he heard the steps come to a sudden halt. He guessed that Shori had stopped her and that they had decided to venture elsewhere. He had barely heard the chatter between them when he took the hallway exit.

Skylar continued his slow pace down a few flights of stairs to get to the ground level. The sound of each step echoing as he took them one by one. Sky wondered to himself if Ocean had found his way to the academy yet. Usually, he would never have left without Ocean by his side but Sky wanted to be sure the grounds were to his liking or rather safe enough that he wouldn't have to be watching over the young boy at every step. Despite Skys' age he still got a knot in his stomach every time he had to leave Ocean alone. It wasn't even that long ago that Sky had rescued Ocean from his own father... luckily Ocean forgave Sky for what he felt he had to do.

Sky pushed open the door to the exit on the bottom floor and a crisp gush of wind blew past him. He took in a deep breath to get a scent of the surrounding area to be sure if it was safe. Hano Academy was still new territory to Skylar and he was particularly cautious when in areas he had never been before. He took in all of the complexities the wind provided him and deciphered one scent from the next slowly, his brain working twice as fast as usual. Iron and rotting flesh... “Must be Vampires and.. a human?” He spoke to himself quietly. Skylars' indigo eyes searched the grounds visible in his radius for the suspects. He hoped to God that Ocean wasn't in trouble.

Skylar turned the corner with a silent quickness, prepared to summon his glaive is need be. He followed the scent as close as possible without being noticed. Sky hid himself in the tree line motionless and observed. He fought back a sigh when he saw that the human was not his Ocean.
