Winds of Change

Skylar watched Shimei arrogantly tell off the human. He almost wanted to laugh. Shimei was more like a cat than a vampire and if she had a tail it would give her away every time. Now that Skylar had down Shimeis’ flaw he would continue to investigate the others as they arrived. Lucky for Sky vampires liked to talk… Arrogance is a gift from your enemy.

The human seemed to be in no danger what so ever and this made Sky feel relieved only for the simple fact that they would avoid Ocean. He thought to himself, always watching others actions, that Shori was quite the introvert… seemingly a smarter move then Shimei.” Know thy Enemy” was what Skylar always taught Ocean…

Sky watched as Shimei gave her last words to the human and took off with Shori towards the tree line. He noticed that they were heading right for him. He didn’t want to teleport out of the way because when using magic or abilities is causes ripples in the ultra-grid*. He decided at last minute to lower himself far enough into the brush to be camouflaged. He held his breath as they passed overhead. They must have been too caught up in the moment to notice him. Most vampires can’t even smell Angels let alone a Fallen Angel unless they know what they’re looking for and most Angels have their own smells that are so unique that it’s unrecognizable.

Most Angels tend to smell of sweet things, depending on their domain**. It can be quite hard to pick up on unless you are near them and for humans it’s almost impossible. Fallen Angels are even harder to smell and only have a distinct smell to their true love.

Sky decided to check up on the human that was left in the vampires wake. He emerged from the tree line and slowly walked towards the young man with caution as not to startle him. Skylar tried to seem as harmless as possible and made his presence know to the new student. “I see you’re still alive…”

*The Ultra-grid is another name for the layer of energy that is spread across the earth. Whenever anything uses magic or some kind of energy ability it causes the Ultra-grid to ripple like the surface of still water.

**A Domain is the emotion that the Angel/Demon stands for.
