Jezabelle and love

I watched the goings on of the school, The trees at this time of the year were full and had enough cover for anyone to hide themselves. I obsevered Cat-girls speech to the human, He seemed strong and spoke like it. Yet his racing heart could be heard from a mile away and if he wished to speack like that to anyone he had better learn to control it.

I started back on my novel, but my attention was caught again to the gates, a fallen angel? could it be true? His deminour and self confidence, not to mention his grace when jumping down from the tree suggested he was more then human, and the fact that it was hard to distinguish what he was screamed Angel...

I had learnt to master my skills, as a pureblood must. He had no scent, no sweet aroma to catch on the wind.... a fallen angel, who would have thought.

I turned back to my book and began reading again, a lone figure walking towards my hiding spot. He walked with grace and arrogance, Wild hair dancing around in the wind which made him look half-man and half-beast. The blonde hair of his head was rough, uncut and yet even though it was such it looked... tamed....

"Sebastian, what do you think you are doing?" i asked as he leaned against the tree trying to act like it was not him.
"How did you know it was me cousin?" Sebastian asked as he turned back into his original self. The blonde hair turned into a light brown and seemed to shrink back into his skull, trimmed and perfectly styled into a conrtolled mess. His butler outfit replacing the furs and leather. Nails grew back into there neatly trimmed and polished places. Everything yelled perfect, tamed, controlled; unlike the conterpart he had taken up a few seconds before.

"You hair. You tamed it, yet your whole outfit stated i don't care about my looks. Simple mistake," Sebastian jumped and came to sit beside me on another branch, "Do not make the same mistake again." i threatened

"Yes cousin." of all the trees in this school he had picked the one that i now pearched in. He could find me in a second, miles away, it didn't matter. He protected me and was my unofficial body guard.

"What brings you to my side?" i watched as he combed a hand through his hair, making sure it was at pure perfection.
"My scouting is complete, unfourtunatly student information is confidential and i decided it best not to breach the rules before school begins."
"Understood." I watched as the angelic features of his face mantianed a clam even though i could sence and inner turmoil.

"What is wrong cousin?"
"I have gotten word from the Elders."
"That bag of decaying fools, what have they to say?"
"They instruct that we are to stay at this facility until the first holidays. We are not to go back until then."
"They do live to annoy." i had been anticipating going back home to recharge and eat before i had to fast at this desolate castle called school, but now the elders had forbidden it. Even though i was the ruler of the Oread clan they still controlled my actions... that was until i had mature. After my schooling was when they decided i would gain my full control. But until then i would have to wait.

Sebastian could shapeshift into anythigng and anyone.
My powers however.... Our clan was the inspiration for the mythical Mountain Nymphs of mythology the Oread's we were one with the land, the earth, nature....

"Cousin why did you shapeshift into HIM?"
"I thought you might want to be cheered up." that was my cousin he was the only one who knew whether i was sad or happy, and he made it his duty to ensure that i either stayed happy, cheered up... or didn't rip some fool apart from them failing not to realise i was in a bad mood.

I remained closed off, emotionless. I returned to my book and beagn reading again.
"Why would you think someone who is a complete opposite to me would cheer me up?"
"You know what they say.... opposites attract." my attentioned snapped back to him, a grin that was on his face dissapered as he saw my glare.

"Sorry cousin that was out of line. I shall go cheack the peramiters and establish where you room is and who you shall be rooming with. Along with where my room is and who I shall be rooming with so that you may know in an emergancy or if i am not at your side within a second of you wanting me there."

With that he left me alone to read my book. but his comment had shaken me. Sebastian was the one who always knew what i was trually feeling... had he know the that, that... GUY had... no even i did not know it... but was that the fascade of love??

No it couldn't be. I jumped down from my branch and began to walk towards the library, i needed to do a little research.
