
I took my time walking to Hano Academy. I was in no rush and classes worn going to start for a week or two I thought.
It took me a week to get there, but Like I said I was in no rush.

It began to sprinkle a bit. So I looked up at the sky and wondered to my self, "where did those clouds come form?!"
There worn any before... Right after I began walking again the rain began to pour down.

"Great... What luck do I have..." I said to my self.

I keeped walking until I reached the main gate to the school.
With everything I owned at the time in a bag over my shoulder and completely soaking wet, I opened the gates to Hano hoping to find some where to dry my self. I head to the building in the middle. Knowing that was when the classes were taught.

I went in to a class room and began drying everything in my bag that got wet then took of my shirt to dry as well.
I looked out the window to star at the moon from holes the clouds did as they moved. I tried to dry my hair with a towel I had in my bag that wasn't wet as I watch the moon. I zoned of a bit just looking at the moon, suddenly I felt some one behind me.

"My,my...I see a lovely student in my class room."

I quickly turned to face him. He had the eyes of a killer....

"I didn't mean to intrude, I just needed to find a place to dry my self off."

"No....I don't mind. It's not every day I find a beautiful student in my class room. I was getting lonely..."He said getting closer to me.

I felt the hair on my skin rise. I tried to back away as much as I could, but the man keeped coming closer and closer.
I did not like the energy that man was giving off. Not knowing what to do I opened the window and jump out in to the rain again leaving my things back in the class room.

Finally after running around a bit, I saw an angelic man walking through the main gate with an umbrella in one hand and a bag in the other. I walked up to him and ask, "Sir, do you happen to work here?" He looked at me with his bight blue eyes and said "Yes, I do..." then moved his big black umbrella so we both wouldn't get wet.

But I could tell he was wondering why I was running around without a shirt and wet to the bone.

"You do know that students do have to were shirts here..."


"You should go back to your dorm and get dry." I said a bit annoyed by me looking the way I did.

"yeah I know. But I just got here and this really strange guy kinda freak me-"

"What man?!" He interrupted.

"Oh, uh...He had dark pinkish long hair and blood red eyes." I replied a bit confused.

"Roku.... Shinigami...." I could here him whisper to him self.

Then begin walking to the school, but stop and asked me "What is your name?"

"Oh, it's Clovis Seliongrave." I answer yet again in the rain.

"Clovis Victorian Seliongrave,eh...?Ah yes. You belong in the south wing. You should go there now. I have matters to attend to." Then begin walking to the school.

"WAIT! I didn't catch your name!" I yelled out.

"Raphael et Sinclair." He replayed with out looking back.

I then ran to the south wing. Then opened the doors to this dark beautiful living room that was to be my new home.
Sorry I haven't posted anything. I was at an anime convention!X3
