
I had so much to do before school could begin. I'd gotten a roster of all the students to attend, and was quite surprised by it. It would seem the races truly wanted their children to learn how to "get along" with one another. All this time...perhaps things would start to move in the right direction...towards peace. The only reason I had come here...it was not for some meager teaching job. It was as a favor to my old friend Able. The Headmaster to this school. Hano had been passed down his family for generations, yet there was a time when it was thought it would no longer continue. A time of great strife...of fire...of death and rebirth.

As an angel...I had seen many things in the span of my lifetime. Things that made me smile...things that brought me to tears. Even things I found inconceivable. There were perhaps none who had witnessed the atrocities I had. At times, it made me doubt my faith...it truly did. And yet, the part of me that held true, could never turn away.

I grabbed the stack of papers from my desk, and filed them all away neatly. It was almost nightfall...and I could sense the presence of several others entering the campus. All converging at once...how very odd.

As I exited in the hall, I immediately witnessed a pair of vampires. They were locked in an embrace, and I couldn't help but stare out of curiosity. A girl poked her head out to assess me...her eyes lingering on my right wing for some time...my blackened wing. A small smirk crossed my lips. She was a curious one.

"A Good Evening to the both of you...I see students have begun to arrive already." I paused, considering this all in my mind. "Quite promptly. Commendable." I hadn't realized I'd said that aloud. I valued order above all things...I didn't mean to voice my opinions so frankly though. I'd yet to introduce myself. "Ahem. Yes, My name is Raphael et Sinclair. I am a teacher here at Hano. Well Met."

"Well met, Mister Sinclair. I am Shimei, of the Aoitsuki clan. I look forward to seeing you in class." The Girl Greeted.

"Yes, Good Evening sir." The Boy followed. "I am Shori Benitsuki. Well Met."

I smiled. Yes...very polite. They know their places very well. "Very good. I won't keep you any longer. We all have things to attend to before classes begin. It was a pleasure to have met you both. Do make sure you behave yourselves."

Before they could respond, I left them to their business. Even IF that would be something precarious. Things would have go on their respective paths. I could not stop fate...this is one of the many things I had learned in my vast lifetime.

Walking the school grounds, I inspected the areas for any other straggling students. Perhaps to aid them should they be lost. I doubted any "human" students should be wandering about at night...not here of all places...

I scouted around for quite awhile, and yet, there were no lost students. I could swear I sensed the presence of a demon coming near...

I closed my eyes to lay down a net of energy. In order to find all in the immediate area and to place my own little energy signature on them. This way, I would know where all of them were at all times. It was my duty as a teacher to protect them, this meant knowing their respective locations.

An archaic circle appeared high above the school...and came down slowly. Only another angel would be able to see this, but no matter who or WHAT they were...they could not resist it...or avoid it's purpose. Any and all would have to simply relax and allow it to run it's course. After the spell was completed, I felt all the presences very clearly. They seemed to all be clustered in the same area. No, two were leaving the area. The vampires I had encountered.

A human was in the center of the courtyard, a vampire sat nearby, as well as another presence. An angel...no...a fallen angel. He was so young...to have fallen...but I did not question him. I myself having my faith shattered on more than one instance. Continuing on. Yet another Vampire left the area as I scanned further along. As I thought, a demon was approaching. A demon...and another Human as well. Another vampire approaching was nearly to the main gates.

I opened my eyes and began in the direction of the said demon. They were the fiercest of the races, enemies of angels...I wished to see this demon with my own eyes. To see if they truly came here peaceably. If I discovered they hadn't....

Suddenly as a gust of wind passed, I caught the unmistakable scent of blood. My eyes widened and I fell to my knees. One hand grasping my stomach, and the other clasping my mouth, I tried to fight off the urge to vomit. It was futile...rushing to the nearby brush I let it out...

I hated blood...I could no longer stand the very smell of it. I stood up and tried to regain my composure...

The sky began to cry...the rain sweeping across the entire area in a matter of moments. It was like a monsoon type rain. Washing away everything. I opened the nearest classroom and grabbed an umbrella. I felt better with the rain, ironically...and so I went out into it. Forgetting about the demon for now, I approached the main gates. Standing there quietly until a student ran up to me in a panic. He'd been frightened by one of the teachers...Roku Shinigami. I would have to have a little 'chat' with him about his conduct.

After finding out the student was Clovis Victorian Seliongrave, it only made the situation worse for Roku. I was thoroughly displeased. I informed Mister Seliongrave of just where his quarters were, and then made my way toward the building.

"Wait! I didn't catch your name!" He called out.

"Raphael et Sinclair." I answered without looking back. I was on a mission now...Roku was about to hear a piece of my mind.

Raph's POV! haha, anyone may run into him in the corridor. ^^ He's in a bit of a rage right now though. hahaha. Um, I made a point to address the new members I.E. Demon, human, so that you may enter however you see fit! I look forward to it! Well, then, later! :)
