
Roku Shinigami (Shape Shifting)
Hair:He always changes it's color, style, ad legh
but it's mostly dark brown,mid back level, lose and messy.
Eyes:Blood red
Birth land:?

Personality:His personality depends on what his hair color is.
Odd, yes. Brown= crazy Red= blood thirsty Blond= Too kind

Comment: Grim and Shini where good friends at one time but by certain event
not unknown their friendship as broken. And they agreed to help each other
with their jobs (other even teaching). Shinigami can kill any one he wants
if he can get them no exceptions. His only limit to killing is that he can
only kill 10 people in 2 days, he can not kill any more then that until 4
more days have past. He usually has to wait those 4 days.

Because of that Shinigami is always being watched by all those at the school
and was given a bracelet to know where is and who he is. He teachse shape shifting to the demons, and is a master at this art. And usese it all the time to tick people into doing things for him.

Shinigami is not to be trusted uless he gives he word. When he give his word to something he has to forfill it. Other then that no one should trust him.
And he...Well likes boys and girls...XD
