
Hano....I'm finally old enough to take over after all these years...It's been far too long with out use. I thought as I rearranged all the paper work on my desk. I closed my eyes a bit feeling very tired. After all I've been working none stop all this time. Day and night, work, work and more work....

Not long after I closed my eyes I heard a loud sound, as if some one
dropped more paper work for me. Afrad it was more papers I pretended to be a sleep hoping they'd leave and not make me do more.

"Able...Able get up. I know your not asleep..."

I didn't move even after he said that. He stayed a bit then it sounded like he had left. Hoping he did I opened my eyes, and to my surprise it was a skull! I screamed as loud as I could, I even fell back and was on the floor. He then began laughing.

I'd know that laugh any where...It's was Grim Reaper...

"Why did you do that Grim?" I said as I got up off the floor.

He then sat on me desk and slowly took of his skull mask of.
"You should be working not sleeping."

"Well I do need to sleep you know. Sleep is good for people! I love to sleep!" I said almost yelling.

I was happy to see Grim. I so happy that even tho he scared me halve to death I ran up to him and hugged him. I knew he did like it when I hugged him but I could help it. It's been like 3 months since I last saw him.

"Please....Don't hug me." He said emotionless as ever.

I stoped hugging him when I saw all the papers on my desk. It was like a snowy mountain had formed on my desk. So may papers...I then looked back at Grim and smiled. I could tell that Grim knew what was my next move.

But I went for it any way. I ran off and left him there with the mountain of paper work. I was going to return later but first I wanted to say hi and welcome to all those in the school at the time.

I walked around looking for new people to greet and then I saw boy with dark blue and a bit of purple in it too. Happy to

see some one else in the school, I walked up to him and said,

"Hello there! My name is Able Rutherford the VI. What is yours?"
I'm kinda brain dead now....You can continue if you want Elix. ^-^
