Sebastian the sacrifice

I left Jezabelle to her thoughts, she had gottne angry at my words, but i had lived through a lecture of love too long to see my cousin abandon her search. She wanted to love.... like my parents.

The only reason i was a noble was due to my pureblood parent marrying... marrying a human for love. It was almost criminal, and that was why my parents and I were exiled from the social gatherings... but that was only until i became mature and the elders realised my own distaste at my parents foolish choose.

I was two years older then Jezabelle, in our life time it might as well be two seconds. We had grown up together and she was my only connection to my vampire roots. I protected her and in return she became my closest friend.... the only one i could reside in. I told her about not being able to go to the ball's, i can still remeber the day she came rushing up to me to ask if i was going with her to her first ball....

Since i turned 30 in human years i had been allowed to join in the balls, i was still considered a child; my human parent died, sicknes revished their bones, their soul became one with the earth... I remeber the black attire of the funeral, during a cloudy overcast day. My vampire parent then killed themselves... i no longer remember who was who, whether my mother was a vampire or a human. All i remeber is that they loved me... and most importantly they loved each other deeply.

It is only now that i look upon Jezabelle's silent quest that i realise they were no fools... they were smarter then i could have ever imagined and i wished i had never doubted them. Yes, love makes you weak... but it also makes you stronger then you can ever imagine.

I walked the grounds, i had inspected Jezabelle's room and it was as small as the rest. Her things were unpacked and placed accordingly, her bedspread tucked in soo tight you could bounce a penny off it. She had taken up the bed colosest to the window, so that her room mate would not have to crease up her bed in order to get into or out of the room. She was one for organisation.

I then walked to my room and felt the presence of my room mate behind the door, I opened the door expecting to indroduce myself when...

I stopped and stared at the vampire couple cuddled up on his bed. The fresh scent of blood hung in the air. I watched as their attention was caught by my presence. I was surprised to see there was blood spilt by vampires so soon, the blood began to pump widly in my body and i could only imagine how Jezabelle would react if she caught a whif of this sweet scent.

"I am sorry to intrude.... I am Sebastian, of the Oread clan. And i believe we are to be room mates." i held out my hand as though i was to shake their hands, "It is nice to meet you."

The noble male held out his hand and shook mine.
"My name is Shori Benitsuki." he then gave a look to his partner and she looked at him, then bowed to me and in all politness answeared.
"and my name is Shimei Aoitsuki"

I smiled at them gently, it almost felt alien to me. I only smiled when i was in the presence of Jezabelle, and otherwise our clan remained emotionless, smiles were almost foreign in our clan meets. We were strict yet we still cared for each other like family, and would die for each other.

"I believe i have interupted you." They were about to start talking but i interupted them, "no, no, i shall leave. I have other matters to attend to, please sit. I shall warn you though, i will be back by the dawn." I left them to their devices.

I walked out onto the grounds and started for the library. Jeabelle had stopped reading her book; and was looking into the direction of the vampie couple i had just met. I saw the slight fatigue begin to grow into her eyes. I came up to her and knelt down near her. Her attention finally changing to me.

"It has been a long travel cousin, you must be starved."
"No cousin, the rules state that we are not to spill blood. and i shall keep to that rule." with that she ran with her unbelievable speed. I follow and came to the door of her room as she slipped a blood tablet into a goblet of water. she drank the water thin blood substitute.

"Cousin, you cannot travel for so long without food." i knew her thought proccesses, she had wished that we would go back so she could feed, but now she was stuck in this school.
"I must, rules are rules." she sat down on her bed and looked at her hands as they rested on her lap.

I came and knelt infront of her looking up into her eyes.
"School has not begun, you must eat cousin." i said, she gently raised her eys up to met mine from her hands, she took a deep breathe in a i saw her eyes light up. the scent of blood was still on me from the meeting in my room. She grabbed my hair wrentched it back. Her fangs sinking into my skin, a short pain came as her sharp fangs peirced my skin. My eyes glazed over, as i could feel the blood trickle down my throat.

She released me and got me to sit on her bed beside her.
"Cousin, i am sorry. i did not mean to... the smell...." she looked upset at herself, but i was thankful. She had gone all this way without a drop. but she needed it. As a pureblood the scent of blood is unbelieveably strong and Jezabelle had never grown to being able to deny it.

She streched out her wrist and placed it infront of my mouth. She wanted to return the favour; but as always i grabbed her wirst and gently placed it beside her side again.

"You need not return the favour. I am not hungry tonight."
"Then you are always full? Do you realise you say that everytime i do that?"
"Yes cousin." with that i left her room but she spoke as my hand touched the door frame to leave.
"Cousin, please. Let me return the favour at least once." it was a taboo to drink a purebloods blood. even though she offered i would not ever drink one drop. I was to forever protect her, i would never be the one to spill even a droplet of her blood.

"I am fine cousin."
"I do not care for the taboo, to me you are my closest friend. please. at least let me repay you ONCE." she held out her wrist to me. I looked into her eyes and saw the emotion she held in them. I came up to her. Grabbed her wrist. My fangs exposed. I stopped. Looking into her eyes i asked a silent question. She had never had blood taken from her. She looked away. I dropped my eyes and peirced her skin. A pump of blood came into my mouth. a purebloods blood was sweet and delectable, yet jezabelle's blood seemed to disgust me. It was only sustinance nothing more.

I stood back to my full height and looked at her sitting on the bed. Taking the handkerchief from my pocket i wrapped it around her wirst and tightened it gently. Walking out of the room i stalked the corridors, wiping the blood from the corners of my mouth i headed towards some unknown destination... I would wait until dawn... then go to my room but for now i would watch over Jezabelle.

yeah, sorry it's long but Sebastain needs an intro.. and i won't be doing too many POV from him... seeing a Jeza is my MAIN character....
