Roku's Brief Lecture

Just before stepping inside the school building...I could swear I caught the scent of more blood. The rain covered it up so it didn't seem to get to me so much as before. Every time I caught that smell...all I could remember was the horrible bloodshed of the past. I had seen so much blood...more than any should ever have to witness. Atrocities NONE should have to witness...And you would expect, more than any ANGEL should. Yet that didn't change the fate I'd been made to suffer.

...Melody... Both kindness and cruelty walked hand-in-hand in heaven...

I stormed down the hall, heading in the direction in which I could sense Roku Shinigami. He was quite an odd man...and dangerous at that. And yet, he was an ally....somewhat. We had to keep him in check with a placement bracelet just in case though. His power was to kill up to 10 people in a period of two days. Frightening. Even more so, his lack of remorse... And then there was the fact that he could take any form he wished...the second purpose of the bracelet. Identification.

Throwing open the door to the classroom I was sure he was inside...I slowly scanned the area. It was empty...

"Well Good Evening Raphael!"

I rolled my eyes I gazed at my own reflection. Roku had been hiding beside the door...and took my form just before jumping out to greet me. He most likely thought to 'scare' me.

"Roku." I began firmly. "I see you are in one of those 'moods' of yours. You didn't happen to do anything questionable to a new did you?"

He smiled and starting walking towards the window. "Why Raphael! To think I would do ANYTHING questionable. And to a STUDENT no less....what do you take me for?!"

"So are you saying you did nothing then?"

"I haven't come across ANY could I have done something to someone I haven't even met? Hmm?" He spun around turning with a wink.

"Do not lie to me Roku...or have you forgotten you cannot lie to me?" I smirked but couldn't get over staring myself in the eyes. "And do me a favor and refrain from using my form will you? Especially when "speaking" to's quite odd to say the least."

He put on a pouty-face, then transformed into the form I was most accustomed to seeing him in. "Raphael you really are dull, you know that? No fun at all..."

"And you are a liar. I have spoken with the student you came across...are you sure you've nothing to 'confess' to?" I rebuked.

His eyes were wide for a second having been caught in a lie, but he threw his arms in the air shrugging as he turned away once more. "Oh! That's right! But you know...I didn't DO anything to that boy. I merely greeted him. What's wrong with a teacher greeting a student...hmmm??"

I rushed him...forcing him against the wall as I glared straight into his blood red eyes. "You had better NOT do anything to damage the reputation of this school Roku...or by my honor I will see you dead. Are we clear?!"

"Ooooh, I love it when you treat me bad Raphael...why don't you really...I mean it." He cooed.

Narrowing my eyes I pulled away. "Remember my words Roku and never take them lightly." With that I left him. I hadn't requested his word this time, but if there was another incident...I would have to insure I did.

Sighing to cool off, I slowly made my way to Able's office. Perhaps there was something I could do to aid the very least...I could probably get Grim off him so that he may have a moments rest.

