
I walked into the courtyard of the school.
This must be it... I thought.
"Huh." It looked like an average School, But I knew It was much, much more.
"Hano Academy..." I said, stepping into the school. I felt cool air on my skin, and I took a breathe in. "Better than Outside...All hot and stuffy...Almost like Hell." I said, aloud. I Looked around. It was practically empty. Mainly of People. I gazed around. The white floor tiles, and walls were a bit too bright, But...I'd had been through much worse. I walked up and down the halls, until that got boring. I saw a Sign that said 'Office' and beneath the letters was a arrow pointing to the left. I Stalked down it. Finally I got down to the office, and There was a Demon lady working the front desk, I could smell the scent of Hades on her. She handed me a slip- My schedule. I told that There was a while before the classes even started, but she insisted I have it, so I could find out where everything was before actual school starts. I argued with her a little about that, then gave up. Grumbling, I took the sheet from her and looked it over, then crumbled it, and tossed it behind me.
No Sense in looking at it now.
I looked for something to do. Boredom. I hate Boredom.

~Meridan Uzuke
