
After the man named Sebastian took his leave, I couldn't get over the smell of that pureblood he had carried on him. He was a noble...and yet why had he smelled like that female pureblood we'd first encountered? Oh well, it didn't matter much...what bugged me more was the fact that Shori was going to be that guy's roommate? I mean...he seemed so proper and rule abiding...he would surely rat Shori out when he left his quarters to come to mine.

"So dawn he said...." Shori mumbled then laughed slightly. "I'm sure he thought he was interrupting quite a scene, huh Mei?"

My face flushed and I laughed it off nervously. I knew just what he was implying. "Forget all that Shori, the night is young and this is a large school. Let's see some more of it shall we?"

As we walked the campus we would open up the classrooms here and there, then just look around. Everything seemed so normal and mundane...and yet there was a tinge hanging in the air that screamed it was anything but. Not too long had passed, and we neared the girl's dorms. That's when I smelled it...the smell of a pureblood's blood being spilt. That woman's....

I covered my nose and mouth...trying NOT to smell it. Whatever I did...I didn't want to smell it. Stupid purebloods and their intoxicating life-force. Grabbing Shori we took off in the opposite direction...we happened to see another student...he had black and orangish hair and was talking to a demon lady at the front desk...yet instead of making conversation we bypassed him and returned to the boys dorms in the South. As soon as we entered the 'gathering room', both our mouths dropped at the person who was sitting in the recliner near the lit fireplace...he had a towel on his head...but it was him....

"CLOVIS!" We both shouted.

He turned with a jolt. Then giving a small smile in realization said, "Good Evening Shimei,'s good to see you again."

"Wow Clovis! When did you get here?" I said with a smile. He was an old friend of ours, he'd met me through Shori...and any friend of Shori's was an instant friend of mine.

"Not too long ago." He snickered. "But I must say...there are some pretty peculiar people in this place. least that first one I met was."

Clovis proceeded to tell us what had happened to him and as he did so, Shori and I sat quietly by the fire listening intently.

Wow...pretty short by MY standards O_O'

You may continue Kairi, or Atticus. :3
