Oh Crap...

"You there! Stop!" I heard a voice behind me say.
"Huh?" I turned around. There was a woman, a bit taller than me. She had long bright red hair was came down in waves. Her eyes were a pink.
"Pick that up right now!" She demanded, motioning at my crumbled schedule on the floor.
"Do I really have to? I'm sure you guys have plenty of Ja-"
"Pick it up, End of discussion."
"No." I said bluntly and started walking. Suddenly, I felt hand on my shoulder, long nails digging into my skin.
"What the hell?!" I asked, shouting.
"Don't shout! This is a school!"
"Yes, but you are trying to kill me!"
She let go, and I turned back to look at her again.
I sighed. "Fine..."
I bent over and reached down, and picked it up.
"Yes. Next time, just do as you're told."
"I'll try, Miss." I said, politely.
"You better be successful."
"Once again, I'll try."
"I can tell I'll be seeing you a lot, even before classes start."
She sighed. "Look, just try not to break the rules, 'Kay?"
"I'll try." I said, throwing my hand up into a wave as I turned away.

~Meridan Uzuke
