Blinking into Existence

Skylar had been distracted with all of the commotion that had run through Hano. What with the freak rain and a half naked young man streaking across the grounds, Skylar had decided to head towards his room to dry off and rest awhile. He was looking for the direction of his dorm through the haze when he caught a glance of something that seemed as though it didn’t quite fit into the night.

Skylars’ body flashed a dark blue light and disappeared. It was as if the screen of a TV had blinked and then went out. There was a dark blue ripple across the ultra-grid that blanketed a three mile radius around the school. Unfortunately, the ultra-grid wasn’t something anyone could keep still once magic was used. Luckily for Sky there wasn’t anyone who was looking for him and so wouldn’t matter.

A low and dark voice whispered behind Oceans’ ear with a breath as light as gentle breezes in the nights fall equinox. “Basking in moons light, young flower doth bloom with elegance. I have yet been awed by any other tempest... Be there no other captive in the world that calls me such as this? I say No and ask of such wonder if company be permitted?”

Skylar made himself visible, another ripple in the ultra-grid. He hung from a branch just above were the young man sat with seemingly no trouble at all. A slightly thicker shower of sakura petals as well as rain drops falling beneath Sky as his weight settled into the branch.
