Shimei, Shori?!

I walked a bit down the hall ways of the south building soon to be my home. As I passed a room I saw some clothe hanging from the closet, it looked like the school uniform. I still had all my things back at that class room and I was still soaking wet.

The clothe seemed to be my size so I took it of the hanger and tried them on. They smalled nice as if some one had just washed them.After taking the wet cloth I had left, I hog them up to dry then I graded a towel from the bath room and wrapped around my neck.

Then walked to gathering room were the the fire place was lit. I brushed my hand on the recliner then sat down on it.
At first I wondered how was I going to get my things form that class room. I didn't want to go back alone... That man gives me the creeps.
The rain keeped falling and falling. A wonderful and soothing sound it was...The rain... It's a beautiful yet sad thing.

Listening to the rain was very calming, so calming I just placed the towel and just listened it. I almost fell asleep when suddenly heard two others yell out my name. I almost jumped out of my seat, but when I turned a round I realized it was Shori and Shimei. I was surprised to see them, so I smiled and said.

"Good Evening Shimei,'s good to see you again."

"Wow Clovis! When did you get here?" Shimei said smiling happy to see me.

"Not too long ago. But I must say...there are some pretty peculiar people in this place. least that first one I met

was." I said with a photo of that man in my head.

"What do you mean Clovis?" Shori asked

I then explained to them what had happened. That pink haired man with blood red eyes. And that I left my things back in that

room but just didn't want to go back with that creepy man again. They both looked at me, confused by what I had tolled them.

"Pink haired man?" Shimei asked.

"What kind of GUY would have pink hair? Are you ok, you sure you don't have a screw lose or something?" Shori then said.

"Haha... Very funny." I said as I threw the towel at Shori's face.

Shori caught the towel and laughed. "Glad to hear your good then."He said.

"So Clovis...Are you going to get your things back?" Shimei asked.

"Oh yeah... Well.... Um... I..I-"

"You want us to help you get them, right?" Shori interrupted.

I nodded my head as to say yes. Then Shimei got up and gave me her hand. "Well then, let's go get your things back Clovis."

She said.

I grabbed her hand and got up. "Yeah. let's go!"

"Yep, let's go. Besides I wanna see if we really do have a pink haired GUY teacher"

"I doubt you'd like to met him, Shori. Hahaha!"

And with that we left and headed to the class room with my things.

I'll have to leave it at that for now... Yep it's a bit short...

You can continue Kira or Atticus.
