And So it Begins...

Classes were about to start at Hano and Skylar was… well, he was here. Being a Fallen Angel could be rough on a man and even worst was the tests he was about to go through. Sky didn’t think Hano would be a problem but shifting between human guise and his Angel state was going to be hell on his body. Tests… he thought to himself… if only it were just the academies tests he was worried about.

In Skylars human form he was legitimately human. That meant he was weaker… he felt, he bled but oh god did he feel. It was an odd concept for those who are not used to Fallen Angels or one of the “13”. The 13 were good at hiding themselves. Seeing as how whatever form they decided to take was the form their bodies took qualities of then they blended with mortals quite well, if not too well. It was just a pain for Sky because sometimes he didn’t always have time to switch over to a stronger form before taking damage. He had ended up with more scars then he cared to remember…

Skylar woke up extra early so that he could escort Ocean to the grand hall. He had already scoped out areas of concern for the young man so that he would know the quickest paths if need be.

After Sky was dressed and ready he made his way across the campus to the dorms where Ocean was assigned. Sky knew that Ocean wouldn’t be spending too much time in there but he bothered to remember where it was none the less.

Sky knocked on the door three times and then paused. Ocean came to the door rubbing sleep from his eyes. Sky tapped underneath of his chin with a hooked finger and walked past him into the room.

“I would have thought that you would be excited for this day O.” Sky said as he sat on the scattered sheets of Oceans bed.

Ocean groaned and sat next to Sky brushing out his hair and carefully pulling it back into a braid. Sky couldn’t help but laugh knowing that Ocean hated mornings and when Sky meant morning it was usually hours before a destination was to be made.

“Why do you always do this?” Ocean asked groggily.

“Do what?” Sky replied, hiding a smirk.

“Wake me up when I could be sleeping at least…” Ocean looked at his alarm clock, “2 more hours?!”

“Because you take forever…”

Ocean threw himself back down into the warm covers that he had just retreated from a few moments ago and tossed the covers over his head to catch a few more Z’s.

Skylar watched in amusement at the laziness of the boy that he thought would never grow out of his youthful habits. Sky sat on the bed side and adjusted the covers so that Ocean could go back to sleep comfortably. He was going to go sit on the other side of the room when a slim arm wrapped around Skys’ waist. Ocean pulled himself into Skys’ side and was already motionless. Sky listened to the sound of Oceans’ breathing as he awaited the chime of the alarm clock to go off.

*Final Fantasy Inn Music*

The sound of small Chinese bells began to echo as Ocean awoke. He reached out from under the blankets and clicked the snooze button to his clock. He rolled out of bed and dragged himself to the bathroom to get ready for the first day of a new adventure.

Skylar excused himself and took post outside the boys’ dorm. When Ocean was finally ready he popped outside and hurried Skylar along to the Main Hall.

Ocean was excited about his first day and all the sights he would see. Skylar, on the other hand, was not as enthusiastic about Ocean being in a place where fatalities could occur if one of the other races decided to be careless. Skylar knew he would be standing within a good range of whatever building that Ocean would be attending. Sky wasn’t paranoid… just cautious.

Skylar kept an eye on Ocean as he introduced himself to things he had no idea what they were. Sky knew that Hano was supposed to be a place where all races could come together but how often did that work without at least one casualty? Only time would tell…

The gathering and announcements were over with and the Angels were report to their first set of classes. Skylar walked Ocean as close to his dorm as possible and jetted for the assigned class that was on the roster posted outside the main hall. Skylar had memorized the roster but he still wanted a paper copy to save for his records. To some people Skylar had seemed OCD but he never saw it that way. He knew that if you prepare for the future now then it will save you time when something did happen.

Skylar stepped into the class room to see a nervous Raphael et Sinclair. His glittering indigo eyes met those of Mr. Sinclair and he gave a slight bow.

“Good Morning Sir.” Skylar announced with gentle tones.

Skylar sat himself in the front row closest to the windows.


Wow! I didn’t know I was going to type that much!

I just wanted to note that Duo is busy and won’t be posting for a bit. Since I asked Duo to play Ocean for me I will be posting instead!

((Duo, we miss you T_T ))
