School begains

Final all that paperwork was done with. I was Happy that Grim was with me all that time, but it was a bit uncomfterble having him watch over me like a hawk...

The day came, the day this academy would finally be revived after so many years. I was happy and excited. I began to get

ready and as I left my office I began to feel the horrid pain I had felt sense I was a child, the pain that was to kill me some day... I leaned against the wall for a bit, waiting for the retched pain to leave. Just As I was about to pass out the pain had finally left. Laying there, motionless for a bit I regained my strength, got up and headed towards the stage in front of the school where everyone awaited my arrival.

Emerging from the the main halls and seeing the faces of all these there, the students and the teachers made me forget what had happened earlier. I felt so happy. And I began to greet every one.

"Good Day to you all! Students of Hano Academy!" I began."I bid you a sincere welcome and dearly hope you all enjoy your time here! Our staff of teachers have gathered for the single purpose of offering you the most excellent of educations here at the prestigious academy of Hano. Please all of you, do your best and learn to embrace ALL Races! For at our establishment, there is no prejudice...only equality."

I looked at Raphael and smiled at him. " to present one of our Head Teachers, Sir Raphael et Sinclair." I announced.He didn't seem to be used to having people cheer him on.

"Good Day to you all. My name is Raphael et Sinclair. I shall be teaching you World History at this school, and also assisting Ms. Valkyrie with Flight Lessons for the Angels." I began. "It's a great pleasure to formally meet you all, and I look forward to being your teacher. But please understand and follow the rules and conducts of the school at all times. I shall not tolerate any transgressions. That is all." Raphael said then step down.

Next I introduced Valla. She brushed her hair with her fingers as she came up and all she said was. "I am Valla Valkyrie. I will be teaching you Angels how to fly properly, physical education and I will be assisting in weaponry. And I expect EVERYONE to be on time or you shall answer to me!!!" And with that she step down.

A bit violent at the end...I thought. But Valla will be Valla.

Next I tried to introduce Hana Flor. But she seemed too overwhelmed with happiness, giggling and couldn't seem to stand still even for a second. She slowly began to walk to podium but was too excited and transformed to her normal fairy self and flew away. She was not yet used crowds of people she did not know. And so I did it for her.

"And that was Ms,Hana Flor. She will teaching cooking classes and music also. She is a bit shy some times so do be patient with her."

Then I was going to introduce Grim but he seem to want to say anything. He was emotionless as ever and staring out in to the nothingness he was. So I skipped and went to Roku Shinigami. He had his brown long hair this time. He walked up with that big smile of his and said.

"Hello there my dear students of Hano. I am your beautiful and kind teacher Shinigami Roku. I will be teaching shape shifting to you lovely students."

I looked at Grim and Raphael a moment as Shinigami spoke. They looked displeased and uncomfterble by Shinigami's apiece. They both didn't like Shinigami at all, I wondered why they did... I turned my attention back to Shinigami and just in time it seemed.

"And if any one here gets lonely or ever need some one to talk to, you are welcome to come to my room..." He spoke.

Hearing that I quickly grabbed the mic before Shinigami could say something else we all would live to regret.

"And that was Roku Shinigami." I said a bit enbarest.

The meeting went on for a bit longer after that. When it was done I had asked the teachers that attended to walk with me a bit to tell them something.

"This wont take long." I began. "I just got a letter from a near by town that need something taken care of. And I wanted to ask you all be for the classes start if we should send the students or not?.."

Valla quickly spoke. "Yes, they should go in now! We most see how wreathe they are to stay here."

"You are quick to speak Ms Valla." Grim said to her.

Shinigami then spoke."Hahaha! What a wonderful idea I say! Simply wonderful. I would love to go too, I haven't seen blood for some time. Ah, blood..."

"I do not wish to hear what you have to say Roku!!!" Said Raphael sickened by the thought of blood.

"Yes Roku. You'd be wise not to speak such garbage when with us." Grim said holding Shinigami by the caller.

"Please don't fight!" I yelled worried. They stoped then listen to what I had to say.

"I don't need an answer now, so pleases do think of it and we will all meet later." I smiled.

And with that they all left to their duties and I to the school's doctor.
