School begins

The first day of school began yet our first assembly was to be during the day. I slept on, until a gentle knocking came from my door,
"ehhhhhhhhhhhh," i groaned. the door opened to reveal Sebastian come into the room.

"Cousin, we are to attend the assembly. Shall i escort you?"
"ehhhhh," i groaned again as he came and sat on my bed.
"Understood. What do you wish to wear today?"
"eh," i sat up and brushed my hand through my hair. I watched as sebastian rummaged through my clothing to pick a dress out. He grabbed a black long sleeve dress and held it up to me.
"But cousin, the sun is still up. Why do they expect us to attend at such a ludicrous time?"
"We must show our respect for the other races. Who knows they might not be able to attain the night like we are able to handle the sun."
"Understood cousin." i got up and stood on my bed. I grabbed at the dress and looked at him watching me.
"You have to come cousin."
"I know cousin. I'll be coming.... now get out so i might dress."
"Of course cousin." he smirked and walked out the door. I could tell he was waiting for me outside the door. i dressed into the dress he had picked for me and brushing my hair placed it back up into a loose bun. My eyes barley opened i walked out the door and bumped into Sebastian.

"Amazing." Sebastian turned around and looked down into my eyes.
"Did you not think i would come?"
"If i remember you usually do agree to come and then you go back to sleep and curse the elders when they smash down your door and order you to go."
I popped up my umbrella and started walking towards the assembly area. I was in the front of the vampire group. i sat down with Sebastian sitting no where near me, most likely to do something.....

I slept gently while sitting straight up. My bangs where obsuring my eyes as they remained closed to the rantings and talking from the teachers on stage. Eventually the teachers stopped talking and the students started walking away into their respectful dorms or classes.

I went back to my room, pasing the familiar presence of vampires i walked past. The sun soarching my legs as i walked the grounds. I could hear the ruckus around me yet i felt removed from it all... until.... a loud bang came from the classrooms.
I walked with Jezabelle by my side. Her head lolling slowly as she walked. Holdin onto her umbrella to keep it up as she was almost sleep walking. My umbrella remained alofed as i watched around me. I finally saw him, James. As Jezabelle entered the assembly to sit down i let go of her umbrella and stayed back to wait for James.

"Your not late? Interesting."
"Get lost, i'm not in the mood." his fangs sharp as knives.
"Your not the only one who doesn't like the day." i saw Mei being carried in by shori and noticed how right i was.
"Get lost fag boy."
"James," i said my head leaning to the side as i silently insisted he not use such language.
"Oh, for god sake, leave it. I ain't gonna spill any blood. Or don't you remeber that i was one of the OH SO lucky few who isn't part of your clan that has seen..." i shoved my hand over his mouth and hissed.
"Don't say it out loud."
"What do you want?" he asked yet before i could answer him the speakers started up.
"I'll tell you later." i whispered in his ear as i walked away and sat back down.

I silently watched as the teacher introduced themselves. I looked around me wanting to observe my surroundings. My attnetion was on the students until....

"Hello there my dear students of Hano. I am your beautiful and kind teacher Shinigami Roku. I will be teaching shape shifting to you lovely students."

My eyes snapped into the sight of this man, i mezmerized everything i could. I had always been intrested in shape shifting....
As the students left i made sure Jezabelle began to walk towards the dorms again. Her self disconnected to the world around her. James quickly ducked out of the assembly and towards an unknown destination.

I headed towards the office i wished to change subjects. I had no use for defence or even weapondry, i had already learnt all i needed... however shapeshifting would be of invaluble use. I needed to change subjects, and hopefully Jezabelle would not mind my leaving her alone in ONE subject... and hopefully nothing too horrendous would happen. Like someone spilling blood... anywhere!
I rushed out of the assembly and towards well ANYWHERE, as long as it was away from Sebastian....

I didn't want to remeber what i had to several days ago. That day.... My strength wasn't enough..... I had since then practised with all my might to increase my strength and skill.... no one would kill the ones i loved again....

My mind wondered to the day i lost everyone.... My clan was betrayed...Jezabelle's clan was too but mine... it was no more. I had clawed to her doorstep, anywhere, i just needed to get help. The blood had been pouring into my eyes, the snow, everywhere except into my veins. The door opened, light pouring out over my body. All i remeber was seeing those feet, the dainty little feet of Jeza as she rushed to my aid. I don't remember anythin from that. All i do remember is wakin up, in a hospital next to others like myself, not strong enough to defend themselves... or those that had been merciful....

Then Jeza came in. She chucked a blanket into my face, and said 'common' get up and make your bed. We have worse people here then you, and they need the bed.' She then went on to attend to the others. Sebastian at her side telling her what to do. I hadn't known she was a pureblood like myself until many weeks later... I was a........

Jezabelle, Sebasatian and James.
