Brenin's Arrival

"This...will be...HIGHLY...unpleasant."

I said to myself as i walked into the academy...

I had strolled my way through simply a few parts of the academy, only familiarizing myself with the offices, my quarters, and my classroom...any more would be a waste of time...of course the offices were all to friendly...

"Hi there, may i see some identification..."

I handed her my id as a teacher and simply looked around, and sniffed around as well...

"Umm, excuse me everything checks out but i dont have a last name on your file..." as she looked at me with curosity. Ready to type my name.

"You wont be needing it" i said grabbing my pass

She had looked at me with surprise as i had walked off briskly.

"Well, arent we Mr. Mysterious" the administrator said re adjusting her seat."However his last name is no where to be found...WHAT! my computer crashed again!....this has to be work of some of the new students...this happens every year i swear!" she yelled as she got up racing to another room.

I smiled a bit, thinking that this campus might hold students that could prove a challenge...not to me of course...but...

Looking at the sun i realized it...
"CRAP! I am going to be late to the stupid assembly!"

Of course i got there mere seconds before it started, of course excusing myself through lines of teachers. While a few caught my eyes none seemed familiar at all..."Good!" i thought to myself.

I sat and watched the assembly start, of course the head master had started with his introductions

He had proceeded to talk about equality, a part of me thought it was a admirable goal but one that is all to hard to obtain i thought as a pair of wings nearly hit me in the face, oddly enough a black one and a white one. This world is getting more interesting by the day...

While the Angel had proceeded to talk to the students i had just scanned the crowd looking for potential as well as weakness... unfortunately this school had so many types of students that judging them without a fair fight first would be rather getting ahead of myself.

I had continued to scan the crowd...then i finally saw what i was scanning for
"Well met, Young vampire...yet again" i had said under my breathe, i knew they had noticed me...for the woman gripping his arm had pointed me out and he had nodded.

"Well Young Benitsuki...have you been keeping up with your training...we shall find out soon enough..."

I laughed slightly under my breathe just in time to see a Fairy floating off in front of my face...

"Stupid fairies...happy for no apparent reason.

I had looked over and apparently it was my turn to speak...

I sighed as i got out of my chair...walked up to the podium ... i knew the students were expecting to hear tales of wisdom...ideals of equality...while it is possible...its not while i am here...i am here for a simple reason i thought to myself...

"Hello...I am Brenin...You may call me just that...I teach weaponry as well as hand to hand fighting...You met my assistant...Be on time to my class or dont show up.Be prepared to take a beating. And above all if you think you are going to die just drop my class, i will not waste my time with students who are not serious...Thank you...oh and f you are weak to the sight of blood dont show up either."

Sitting down...the students clapped hesitantly...i laughed, cause some thought i was joking.

The assembly had ended...this meant the teachers then had to go to a meeting of sorts...i walked behind everyone...just simply fitting in...i had hated to stand out amongst a crowd...with what i have been through sometimes it helps me feel as though nothing is wrong.

I eyed the angel...

"Yea...i dont stand out at all...he is doing that job for me" i snickered to myself.

The headmaster had told us about a interesting i was about to say something i had of course realized it would not be heard anyway...but the thought of my answer still loomed in my head...

"To the praying mothers and the worried fathers, let your children go, if they come back hey will come home stronger, and if they will know exactly where they are."

I had gone my separate way from the rest...all of them getting ready to teach their classes teaching the students how to build their knowledge showing them where to begin with their lives.

I opened the doors to my class room...disgusted...Blackboards...desks...Rulers...
i strolled through a center aisle.. gently gliding my hand against some desks... i walked up the the chalk board...wrote a little something...strolled back down the aisle...threw my bag against a wall...flipped forward on my left hand centering all my weight on it, doing a half spin to gather momentum, i outstretched my legs wit this force and kicked 4 desks across the room, that each hit other desks, causing a circle to be in the center of the class...

i walked out of the class....

The Board would read for my early students...
"I wont teach you how to build, but how to tear apart!"

Young will by my exception...for THEY gave an end but not where to start, i will show you where to start...and how to change that end they have designated for you and your little princess...
