
Vampires will have Stealth, Defensive Magic, Spells and Illusion. In stealth you'll learn to be as quite as the air and as swift as a bird. And also look some what invisible to all those around you. Defensive Magic is is for your safety and will be more advanced then the others will learn. It seems many people out there know magic. So well...yeah.

And Spells just as well and also learn spells such as Lovebind,Stop and such. Illusion is almost as the Shape Shifting. But it has it's advantages over shape shift. Like you are able to make people see that which you want them to see.

Demons will have Shape Shifting, Dark Magic and Weaponry. Shape Shifting will be thought by Sir Roku Shinigami and so please do be care full in his classes. In Shape Shifting classes you'll learn how to manipulate your body in to changing your complete appearance and stay that way for long periods of time, even though sleep without straining your body.

In Dark Magic you'll learn all Dark and black magic there is. But please do not use it outside of the class room unless on a mission. Even though the others have Weaponry you will learn things the others will not. Such as how to disarm your opponent, where to hit to destroy there weapon, how to make them and such.

Here are your room mates! ^-^

Shimei Aoitsuki - Jezabella. Room no.001

Ocean Tide - Noe Dimetrinn. Room no.001
Eliot Hackheart - (you can name him Shoji) Room no.002

Skylar Dreylah - Meridan. Room no.001

Clovis .V. Seliongrave - James Room no.001
Shori Benitsuki - Sebastian. Room no.002

Miruki Iroku - (you can name him Macaiah) Room no.001

Again, the rooms are very small... So do be careful not to step and or break your room mates things. Remember The price for a bigger room is 3.050$.
Thank you for you time.

