Classes and roommates

I finally decided to take a look at the schedule. There was a note, that Skylar Dreylah was to be my roommate. I wondered what he were like...After all I'd be living with him for a year.

I stalked around, sneaking, Trying not to be caught for being late for class. Infact, Why was I worried? Valla's just going to freaking track me down for some reason in about five minutes anyway. I walked on the middle of the hall and finally got to the World History class. I slipped in, trying to be unnoticed. The teacher saw me, and quickly, yelled my name, when I was headed to the back, so my back was turned.
"Meridan Uzuke!" The voice was chilling, and deep, like a male's.
"You're late, boy!"
"Sorry, dude." I was suppised when I turned around.
He had a black wing and a white wing. The black wing looked menacing.
"Sit down, Meridan. And don't call me 'Dude.'"
"Sorry, Sir. I slumped down in a chair at the back of the classroom.
"Now, for those of you that missed my name..." he looked specifically at me.
"My name is Raphiel et Sinclair."

Sorry, I havent' posted in a while.
