
I DO know this school, completley, but why in the heck are all my classes so spread apart?! I don't get it! I think Valla set my scheldule up. I think she just wants to see me get in trouble, but I can't do anything without any proof...

I've seen Skylar hanging around alot, and I think he might be kind of upset that we're roommates, But who can blame him; We're like complete opposite. I walked down to the next class of the day, Weaponry and Defense. This should be a snap for me. I rushed down the hall, bumping into other people on my way, and guess what happens...
I'm Late. Again.
Just as the bell was ringing, I had my right foot in the door. The teacher stopped me, and gave me a note, a late slip. I grumbled under my breath, and took a seat behind Skylar. I got bored of the teacher's ranting so, I poked Skylar in the shoulder. He turned and looked at me.

~Meridan Uzuke
Sorry I'm still braindead.
