Pureblood's... better then expected


I closed the door and Lent against it for a small second listening to see if any one was behind me.... noone... i sat down on my bed. Grabbing my PSP i put a game in it and started pushing away at the buttons.
"SO.... you a pureblood right?"
"Yeah" he answeared i looked up for a second from my game and then continued on with it. He had black hair and red eyes... interesting...

"You don't seem that bad for a pureblood."
"Thanks... i guess... What you playing?"
"New game. It's blood and gore to the max.... gotta love it" i could feel my fangs tingle a bit and the word gore.

"Why are your fangs out?" i looked up at him and paused my game.
"Dunno.... bad habit i guess.... never did get out of it" i laughed a little and then continued on with my game.
"Well why don't you try to change?"
"Cause i like pissing people off from time to time."

"Right." he turned and lent against his poster board for his bed. he let out a slight sigh and i couldn't help but stop.
"You wanna do something? you know.... manly bonding and that stuff?" he looked over at me and shruged.

"you know how to play chess?"
"OH GOOD GOD!! don't you Purebloods learn ANYTHING from the modern day!" i said waving my precious gaming consol in the air. I grabbed my bag from the floor and got out a TV and my PS3....

"HERE," i shoved a gaming controller in his hand and began to look through my games, "ahhh, lets see...... This'll do. Blood, gore and simplicity in it's easiest form." i put the game in the slot and sat back down on my bed with the control.

"Now look at the TV and hit the buttons."
"I know how to play a Video game."
"If you say so...." the starting sceen started up.... a guy getting be-headed and then another guy getting his head blown off.

"Hay what's our first lesson do you know?" i asked to my new roomy
Please continue CLOVIS!!! hehe
