First Lesson

I walked past the grounds the sun was low in the sky. 4:00 pm was closing in. The sun still shone bright and i could not help but squint as i walked anywhere near the open grounds. I had double checked the timetables and was slightly angry that i had been as foolish as i had been. I now understood that i had looked at the incorrect timetables... that i must have memorized drafts of the timetables...

I walked to Jezabelle's room. the instincts in my gut told me she would not be pleased about what i was to tell her now. Even i was furious.... i did not yet trust any of these teachers or even the students... and with... our clan.... it was best not trust those you do not know so well.... James had learnt that viciously... as had our clan. Trust was not something that should be blindly given.... i was glad that Jezabelle gave me her trust... beyond trust. She trusted me with everything and anything of herself. She had always been more trusting out of the two of us... but then again i had nearly been killed many times..... too many to be brushed off my shoulders.

Opening the door i looked in to see Jezabelle curled up underneath her covers. As the sun came close to her face she growled lowly and covered her face with her covers.
"Cousin. We have our first lesson." coming in i sat down beside her. My new uniform crisp to the touch, i shook her shoulders slightly until i felt her move and turn around under her covers.

"Whats the time? It can't be time for school YET." I got up and began looking through her cupboard for her uniform, i then laid it down on her bed and waited till she got up.

"It's 4 pm. Our music class is to start at 5pm."
"What insane maniac thought of THAT time?"
"Cousin what have i told you?"
"I know, Sebastian... i know." I could see the covers move as she readied herself to get out of her bed.... This was the usual routine. She never did like getting up close to sunset.

"Yes Jezabelle?"
"Is cat girl in here?"
"Cousin that is not a nice thing to say."
"I forgot her name....." Jezabelle said awkardly
"Your roommates name is Shimei Aoitsuki and to answer your question, no she is not here." I watched down on Jeza as she peaked from underneath her covers.
"How many other Purebloods are there?"
"I believe that aside from you and James there is one other pureblood. His name i believe is Clovis. He is the roommate of James."
I watched her head nod as she took in the information. SHe got up and rubbed her eyes awake. She gently shooed me out of her room and got dressed as she finished dressing she walked out of the room.

Her hair was in a loose bun and i could not help but shake my head.
"Are you letting your evil half take control?"
"I'm tired." I lead her back to her bed. She sat down as i began to brush her hair and put it up into a tight bun. She grudinly began to wake up as her hair began to shine as it did back home. Never one for disorder, exiting her room with such unruley hair showed how tired she really was.

Opening up the umbrella i escorted her towards the string music room. Her harp had already been set up, my cello was awaiting. I watched as Alice came tumbling from the rooms; an obvious attempt to control James.. or who trually knows what.
I Was escorted by Sebastian my mind clouded as he lead me in any direction.
"What's our first lesson cousin?"
"Your first lesson is World History, while mine is Weapondry and defence."
"So those are to be the lessons we do not share?"
"Unfortunatly no. We shall not be sharing any lessons aside from Music.... but that is to be with all the other races as well."
"What do mean cousin?"
"I have since found out that we are to have classes in our levels... seeing as you are a pureblood while i am a noble.... it means we shall be in different classes."

I could not help but growl. I was to be stuck with James... and even more i was not going to have Sebastian to fall back on if anything bad was to trually happen.

"Cousin. Do not concern yourself. I shall look over you as i always do. You need not fear."
"But cousin... how many of our clan are here? What would happen if..... if.... what would happen if everyone found out.... if an insident...." i stopped myself i could not continue my sentance. if an incident happened.... like with me.

"I shall keep a track of everything. Do not fear cousin. Our clan will not cause any incidences. I promise."
"please do not make a promise in which we both know you can not trually keep."
"Fine. I shall make a promise i KNOW i can keep." with that he grabbed my shoulders and forced me to stop in my tracks and look at him.
"I promise, that NONE of our clan will KILL anyone. I do not promise an incident will not occur. But i DO promise, our clan will not KILL anyone in this school. Teacher, Student and guest alike."

I hugged Sebastian, my head only reaching his chest. I heard the blood rushing beneath his skin and was grateful tthat he would be looking over; not only me but EVERYONE.
Sebastian and JEZABELLE
