A Small Dream of the Past-And Waiting...

I listened very closely to the sound of Shori's breathing...it never changed. He was lying beside me with no intention of finding rest...and yet...all I could do was grip on to his shirt with all my might...as slowly sleep took me. I was drug against my will...into the black abyss of sleep.

-I was playing the piano, my mother had insisted. One of the rare occurrences where she was actually home. Her and father were always gone...but no...this time they were having one of their grand gatherings, to celebrate a successful business venture in one way or another. This was the only time they would pay attention to me...to show me off to their friends and colleagues for my "musical gift". I almost began to hate playing...almost....

I finished the song, and standing politely I bowed to all those who looked on at me. Ignoring them as they all whispered words of silent praise and expectations, I retreated as I usually did out to the flower garden, I found a batch of moon flowers...just about to bloom under the full moon that night. I watched in awe...as always. Each birth of the flowers was special to me...they intrigued me immensely. So much so...I hadn't even heard him approach.

"Your music is really beautiful...I would really like to hear you play again sometime..."

I turned in disgust. "Yeah well...tou-!" I stopped. He was smiling at me gently...and more importantly, around my age. I'd never seen him before in my life. "Wait...who are you? There's never anyone my own age...I'm always alone...always..."

At this he came closer. "Well, how about this...if you promise to play for me again...I'll never leave you alone..."

I had looked up at him in utter shock and disbelief. Never in my life had anyone said such a thing...I opened my mouth to speak...and then I jolted up in my bed.

"SHORI!" I screamed. As I thought, he was gone. I heard a bell chime, and desperately I searched for the current time. The sun was still up...only now slowly beginning it's descent. Still quite awhile from sunset though. If I recalled...the first class was music. Just about sunset...at 5 o'clock or something.

I didn't know what to do now...should I go after Shori...no...I had to let him do what he needed to do. I couldn't interfere. No matter how badly I wanted to...

Rolling over, I lay there in Shori's bed...just waiting for him to come back to me. Waiting with as much patience as I could possibly muster...


Okay, so I doubt Shimei will be able to wait TOO LONG...you know how her curiosity kills her. LOL But perhaps Shori will be back before she heads out in search of him. XD
