Music Lessons (fixed version)


I walked into the Music room, i saw the collection of string instruments set up all around the room. I was drawn to my harp in the corner of the room. The light had faded and i now sat in the corner, dark and seemingly succluded. Stroking my delicate harp i began to ensure it was tuned. As i gradually got ready to play i heard a beautiful melody come from one of the other music rooms... i gently listened to it and found it to be a song i had heard before.... all i could remeber of it was that there was the reference to cat in there somewhere.....

I could not help but admire the talent and passion the musician i heard held.... I felt as though i should be in the thronging crowds and congradulating this mistro.... however my harp compeled me. As the piano finished i strung the first few gentle notes of my harp. I turned my head to see Sebastian take up his Cello and stopping in his motion look at me and wait for me to begin our song.

Stroking the cords i fell into my peace. Closing my eyes i felt the music. I had never initially liked playing my harp. It had been the vain of my exsistance as the elders demanded that i play and learn my instrument. As a pureblood it was a nessecity that i learn, practise and be the best at playing the harp....

The sun had now fully set and i heard as students began to pile in... i ignored them, the teachers, everything. Continue with my playing, Sebastian by my side. I could tell that while my eyes were closed his were fully open focused on everything around, taking in every movement and every motion. While my harp played i could hear Sebastian look up and around him, his focus not fully on his musical instrument.

"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!" my fists clenched. The strings i were plucking snapped, the broken stirngs in my hands. I looked up to see James strutting into the room staring at me and Sebastian.

Sebastian stopped slowly. I could not help but look at my broken harp in my hands. I never knew what instrument James played but i was assured that he knew which one i played....

"Don't yell, you might just DISTRACT someone..." I said venom in my words as i laid my harp in it's resting position.
"It's not my problem.... why the hell are you HERE.... I thought you were the one playing the harpsicord in the other room."
"Fool, when have i ever played such an instrument?"

His fangs bared, growling he chucked his case on the ground.
"Don't call me that."
"I would if you no longer gave me reason to call you such." i said clamly remaining on my seat

He lunged forward his hand barley centimetres away from my neck. His fingernails scrached the skin of my neck as Sebastian held his wrist firm.

"No shedding blood on school grounds." Sebastian growled lowly into his ear.
"Get off me." James and Sebastian had a feirce battle of wills as there glared into each others eyes. James wretched his arm from Sebastians, Grabbed up his case and ripped it open. With that he revealed an ELETRIC GUITAR. Plugging it into an amplifier he let loose with a god awful roar. I covered my ears in pain from the sreeching of the guitar.

I watched as the fairy teacher came and told James off; but due to the noise he could not hear her. She unplugged the cords and began i tirede... that ended in his electric guitar being thrown out of the opposing window.

I then learnt that James had been banned from GROUP music lessons.... however he was to make the time he wasted in not going to music by doing a detention for the teacher. Even though he was now to do some horrible music lesson or what not outside of nightly hours he still left the room with a slight smile on his face...

I could not help but stare at that smile... i had never seen such a smile on his face before..... no correction i had..... but it was so long ago i had forgotten.... It was when.....

I then gradually turned my head to my harp ready to continue playing.... But i had ripped out several cords and it now needed major mending.

"It's broken." i dropped the strings i held in my hand to the floor and watched them fall down and scatter almost
"Excuse me Sebastian... I think i might just go over look my lessons... and begin studying my text books. I will see you after music"

"Cousin...." he tried to get up from behind his cello but i pushed him back and made him sit down.
"Don't worry i will be shut up in my room. Nothing will happen."

He nodded slowly and a walked away.... out of the room i listened for a short while the notes and cords being played. I walked to the room that held the Harpsichord and looked at the player from before... My room mate... i must say she did have amazing talent.. I continued walking past the door..

James had left and yet Jezabelle still could not focus properly. It was as though her head was in some far off place.... as though she was now performing for the elders... She had always played better when it was for herself, when no one was around to praise her or shun her for missing a note or getting the hard, almost impossible timing wrong.... I admired her for her persistance.... I had long ago quitted the patience to get better, to play for myself. It all seemed as though it was for someone else, as though playing an instrument was for anothers enjoyment; it was and never will be for my own.

Wearing my gloves i played quitly, in order to hear the mellow notes from all of those around me..... they were loud angery music that melded into a quabble as they all played different songs at differnet pitches octaves, and everything.... i could not bare to hear it any longer yet the music lesson had only just begun.

I longed to be able to enjoy my own music, to not need another to play a song for me to enjoy it's beauty. It almost seemed like a curse to me... But nothing could compare to the TRUE curse i held...The curse i shared with all my fellow clan memebers..... Jezabelle... please don't do anything rash.
Sorry i was reposting this BUT.... i realised i SERIOUSLY messed it up, lol
