
When I went to see Sindri the schools Doctor all he said to me was to go home and rest, But I dare not. I wanted to stay and see how every thing was going so far with every one and everything seem well until I meet with a group of angels talking among themselves. One of them had bandaged hand, curious I walked up to them and asked what had happened. They where a bit shocked to see me, the headmaster in front of them.

"um...Could you please answer?" I asked as I waved my hand in front of them.

"oh! Um! Well there was this teacher." One of them begin. "He tolled us all to break our desk, he actually tried to and hurt himself by doing so."

"Wha! Who was your teacher and are you alright now?!" I asked worried.

"Yes headmaster Rutherford, I am better now." He answered.

"It was a werewolf named Brenin." Another one said.

I should have known, the only ones that would do that kind of things would be Brenin or Valla and they both work together in that class. Lucky Valla wasn't here at the time. But I thought I should go pay a visit to Brenin I wouldn't want him to really hurt some one or have us keep buying more desks every day...When I got there he was still teaching so I just watched and waited till he was done. He seemed to be doing well even tho he did scream at them at times...

He finally finished and I ran up to him and said "Hello Brenin! I heard you made some students try to beak their desks. Is this true?"

"Yes it is. It is not my fault that they are so week."

I looked around really quickly and noticed a pile of broken desks in the back of the room. "Are those what I think they are?" I asked as I pointed at them.

"Yes, and?"

"Well I'd like it if you wouldn't have them do that. Because then I'd have to buy more and the students can get hurt. So would you please not have them do that?" I said a bit concerned.

"Then what do you suggest to make them stronger?" He said a bit mad.

"Well you can take them to the gym and break wood and not desks..."

"hm... Yes, I'll have to think about that." He seemed to like the idea so far.

"Well by your next class Valla will be back and assist you. Now if you'll excuse me I have some thing to do.Oh and please be at the meeting area in 10 minutes." I then wave good bye and headed to my office to get the letter I was given by the town under attack.

Then went to the meeting area it was nice and quit...It reminded me of the old days... I laid down on the grass near the fountain then I closed my eyes a bit. Suddenly I herd two people coming, it was Raphael and Grim.

"Are you all right able?!" They both yelled.

Then I got up. "Yes... I'm good.. Why do you ask?" I asked a bit confused.

"We thought something bad happened to you." Raphael said trying to regain himself.

"Yes He thought that. I didn't." Said Grim.

"Oh really, Sir Grim..?" Raphael said.

We waited, talking a bit until the others came. Every one was here except Shinigami...We began to talk about it even with out him.

"So then should we let them go now?" I asked.

"Yes! This will make them stronger." Said Valla.

"Most of the are too week they need this." Brenin then said.

"But.....Um... Strength is not everything." Hana spoke finally. "There are of there things they need to know too."

"Ha! Well strength is every thing here in these kinds of things. Fairy princess." Valla quickly said.

"That may or not be right Fairy, but they need to know how to fight."Said Brenin.

We all heard some one coming then. It was Shinigami. He walked down the dark hall way to us. When he came to the light we all where shocked. Shinigami was covered in blood but it was not his, not one bit... He began to wipe it all away.

"Now that was fun. Ah yes, just lovely." He said

"What the HELL did you do you sick man?!" Yelled Grim holding his scythe.

"oh please! Is it not obvious what I did my dear? I was having fun."

Raphael looked very sick and the others looked like they wanted to kill Shinigami. So I then tolled him to go change and bath then come back to discuss what he had done.
You may continue Kira and or Atticus
