
I arrived in Brenin's classroom following my third class, the fourth period of the day for angels. It was the beginning of fifth period now, and neither Brenin nor I had a class, therefore this would be the ideal time to cast the spell. I watched as Brenin shook his head behind his podium as I entered.

"Something amiss?" I asked upon entering.

"Hah, what isn't? My first classes are a bunch of wimpy angels....uh...no offense Sinclair...and now...I run into a face from the past. I just can't get over how crazy this day just keeps getting..." He mumbled. Then jolting upright, got straight back to business. "The Spell, what needs to be done?"

"Please step outside for a moment. It won't take me long." I stated calmly examining the room. Brenin did as I asked, and I began to mumble the correct words. It took mere seconds, a flash of white light...and that was it. The room now shut out any and all special abilities. Only one's TRUE talent would be acceptable within these four walls. "Brenin, it's clear now..." I called out since he didn't come right back.

"Well, you weren't exaggerating when you said it wouldn't take long."

"I do not exaggerate. You'd do well to remember this." I affirmed before leaving him to his class.

Later on that day, we were called to a short meeting of the teachers. I'd arrived first with Grim, only to find Able collapsed on the ground. Or so we had thought. He had merely been relaxing...how very irresponsible. The meeting was over whether we'd agreed the students should go to take care of the dispute in the nearby town or not. I had no problem with it, it could very well develop their team skills, as well as measure their physical and magical capabilities. I was about to make my stand known...when Roku finally decided to show up.

I could smell him before he even approached...drenched in thick fresh blood. I turned to see my senses confirmed...the horrendous blood covered sight he was. And wearing a huge smirk to boot. I sneered at him. Right before I started feeling slightly nauseous. It disgusted me...every time I caught a hint of that smell...it forced me to recall....no!

"If you'll all excuse me, I have a bit of business to attend to before my next lessons." I stated, holding back the sickness. "I approve of the students going on this expedition. Not to worry Able, we shall all be there to protect them. I doubt very highly that there should be any casualties."

With that I walked away. After I got a couple feet from the group, I leapt into the air and flew off. Gaining quite a distance from that disgusting smell. I landed on the rooftop of one of the music rooms, sat down...and just took deep breaths. I tried to erase the memories that threatened to flood my mind...I didn't want to remember any of it...any of the crimson flow that had flooded even my hands. The hands of an emissary of God.

Everything that I'd been ordered to perform...it meant nothing compared to what I'd done. All in his name...

I remained silent...lost in my own thoughts and in no mood for conversation.

Kira: poor Raph...*rubs his back* Now I see why you want to keep an eye on Roku...
Raphael: That's really not necessary Miss Kira...-_-'
Kira: Aw...it's okay...
Raphael: (thinks:she's treating me like a child...)) -_-''

-You may go ahead with ur plan Kills! X3
