
I stud there shocked to see Adam there in my room with my room mate. James was shocked as well it see both Adam and I there ,he looked back and froth at the both of us. Adam was two decades older then me yet every one we passed by thought we where twins. Even mother and father would get confused on who was who at times...

"..........OK, I'm confused..." James said with his hand on his head.

"Hay I'm Adam.... like i said." Adam said still playing.

I was surprised he didn't trick James in to thinking he was me as he always did before...They both keep playing that zombie game. Just I was going to leave Adam came up to me and head locked me, James Began laughing so hard as Adam gave me theses annoying nuggys he does.

"Nice one. SO you here to study with us?" James asked.

"Nah, just here to annoy Junior here."Adam responded.

"Fair enough. Well don't be scared to come drop by... I'm always happy to wipe the floor with you in zombie mashing." said James and I scream "NO way in hell!" in my head.

"HAHA, I'll bet you next time.. you can count on that.... Hay little bro can i talk to you." Then Adam grabbed my neck and dragged me away.

He toke me somewhere he KNEW no one was around then looked at me and waited for me to say something. I hated him and didn't want to ever see him...But...I wouldn't just come here for no reason surely there had to be one and why did he get those piercings... Some thing seemed different, Adam seemed to be scheming something.

"What the hell you doing here, and when did you get all those piercings? You do know mother and father will not approve them."

"Hahaha! Stupid little brother I don't need a reason to come study with you. I missed you! And plus I look good with piercings it matches me. Mommy and Dada aren't here to say a damn thing about it any way." He said smiling.

He was lying about missing me...I knew that couldn't have been true at all, there HAD to be a different reason for coming. I'll have to tell Shori and Shemei to watch out for him and not let him mess with any one else. I just hoped James wouldn't become friends with him...

"Fine...Do what you wish, but don't you DARE come near me or my friends ever! And if you mess anything up Shori and I WILL kill you!" I said sharply passing by him to go to my music classes.

"Oh? Shori and Shemei are here? HA! This should be fun..." I could hear him say to himself.

I ignored him and when to my room to grab my violin then to music classes. When I got there I heard Shemei play one of her beautiful songs I then ran up to Shori and Shemei with my violin at hand.

"There you guys are! I just got back from meeting my new roommate. It'll be.....interesting." I said trying to forget about Adam for now. Just as I was going to tell them about my room mate James that fairy come in and Shemei gave us that mischievous grin of hers. Still wants to catch that fairy, eh? I thought.

Class finally ended. And every one had left the room except for Shori, Shemei and I.

"Ok, what's on your mind Clovis?" Shori said grabbing my shoulder

"N...Nothing!" I said.

"Nothing, eh? ha! Yeah right, You never played your violin that bad." Shemei said as she took my violin form my hand.

"Hey no! give it back."

"Not till you tell us what's on your mind."

"ugh... Fine, it's...Well it's Adam... He's here."

They looked surprised, they too hated him after he try to go out with Shemei that night.


"Oh? Shori and Shemei are here? HA! This should be fun..." I said to my self. It's been long since I last saw those two also. Then my cell phone rang I looked to see who it was and it was HIM, I made sure no one was there then answered it.

"Seliongrave, did you have any problems...?" He said

"Not one, Headmaster K."

"Good... As you know I sent Kanabo to a town near by, no doubt that Able got a letter for a mission by now. I want you to stay there at the school. Make sure that Raphael knows I'm coming back and He can not do a thing about it. Also tell Roku to get what I asked for. You got it..?"

"Yes, my lord..." with that he hung up and I proceeded to Raphael's room. He didn't seem to be there so I used my special skills to make sure he didn't know it was me who had been there. I threw every thing he had in his room around, I even broke things there just for fun and began to write with blood "I am back for all eternity" all over the walls.

"Oh yes my dear. He will love this for sure!" Roku shinigami said leaning on the door.

"Ah Roku, K wants whatever it is now."

"Oh I bet he dose my dear. I'll give it to him now then and afterwards I'll do my killings. Kanabo is there right?"

"Yes. Well have fun killing." I smiled as Roku left. Not long after he did I finished and then went to Clovis's room to keep playing that Zombie game and beat James ass in it.

"CLOVIS!!! ABOUT TIME.... i was sooo....ADAM...." James yelled out. then began to stroke his chin as he said "SO, you come back to challenge the master... You think your skills have grown but they are not as great as mine young grass-hopper"

"HA! I came to beat the old masters damn ass. But this time I have my wireless costume controller, so take that dumb ass!" I said

We both then just begin laughing so hard. The game stared and I was beating him every round we played. "So what made you addend such a lame school as this any way" I asked James. Maybe I cloud get him to come back with me to my REAL school I thought.

"Tell you what, if you beat my sore in this place here I'll tell you. BUT if you don't then you have to give me that awesome controller of yours, deal?"

"Ok then if you really want me to beat it that badly."

Clovis/ Adam~
Sorry if it's to long...

Please continue Kira or Atticus and James.
