The Rose

Clovis seemed like he had something on his mind...his chords were completely he wasn't putting ANY effort at all! When Shori asked him...he said it was nothing. Heh...I beg to differ! Snatching his violin, I held it away from him, "Nothing eh? Ha! Yeah right, you never play your violin that bad!" I shouted.

"Hey no! Give it back!" He whined, trying to avoid the subject.

"Not 'til you tell us what's on your mind." Shori ordered, casting a mischievous grin at me as I held his violin hostage.

Catching the smile, I propped it up and began to play it. One of Clovis's worse songs...but I knew it quite well. He hated when I taunted him with his worse song.

Finally he gave in...after he'd had enough torture. "Ugh! Fine, it's...well it's Adam...He's here."

THWANG! I nearly broke the string upon hearing the last part..."" I mumbled my eyes flying to Shori. His fists were clenched...and he was oddly quiet...all because of that seemed like a long time ago...

-We hadn't been back in London for a long time...this was actually my first visit...but ever since Shori had been exiled he'd been reluctant to return. Something troubled him...I knew it had to do with those people. Those despicable purebloods...

Shori had insisted we visit his old friend. He wasn't exactly sure where to find him, so we'd wandered straight into the Seliongrave manor. The back way of course. Getting the attention of the first servant to cross our path, we sent them inside to fetch a man by the name of 'Clovis.' I remembered when I'd first met him...I actually "hated" him. Though I hadn't exactly been fair...I never was when it came to a pureblood. With them, it was always guilty until proven innocent with me.

"You're the infamous Shimei!" He'd spoken earnestly with a huge grin on his face. "I've already heard a lot about you, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"yes..." Was all I'd said. I'd turned my attention away from him...completely rejecting all his wouldn't be for some time before I would TRULY acknowledge him as a friend. After all, he was lucky just 'meeting' me. I'd only gone THAT far for Shori's sake.

"I'm sorry Mei...I hate to do this...but Clovis has something to speak with me about. It'll just take a moment...but its..."

"Just go Shori. I'm a big girl...I can take care of myself." I'd stated stubbornly. I understood there was a history between them, or even that what Clovis had to impart could be a precious secret. I really didn't care either way...I would just wait patiently for Shori.

I waited in the vast rose garden of their estate. Looking up at the brilliant crescent moon...I couldn't help but to be entranced at my surroundings. I felt a sudden breeze from behind me, and excitedly I turned around. "Shori...look at the...uh..." I stopped mid-sentence, it was a lone figure. Only Clovis had returned. I watched as his silhouette approached me. "Clovis...where is help me pureblood...if you'v-" I was silenced by his finger as he pressed it against my lip. Moving it down to my chin, he delicately lifted my face.

"My my...when did such a pretty little thing decide to grace my garden with her beauty?" He spoke gently...the vibes he was giving me...started to make me a little nervous.

"Take that filthy hand off've no right..."

"What's that...a rose through and through I see. Have you not only beauty...but you speak in thorns..." He snickered. Walking a bit away, he grabbed and ripped a rose from the nearest bush. "For you...rose."

I turned to the side...yet he insisted I take it... "Clovis...answer my question. Where is Shori!"

"This Shori...he is your 'lover'?"

I blushed, unsure of just how to answer that. We'd always been together...but that part of our relationship was sacred...I wasn't so quick to any...much less a 'pureblood'. Besides...Clovis was supposed to be one of Shori's closest friends...why would he be asking me such a...unless.... "You are not Clovis..." I muttered by accident.

He rushed me, causing me to grip the hard the thorn pricked me...drawing blood. I winced, but covered up the pain. "You are very clever, little rose...not many can tell what you have discovered." He spoke quietly...inching ever closer. Taking my hand, he licked the blood away as my wound slowly closed. Then grabbing me by my waist he pulled me close to him in an embrace. "Leave behind your 'Shori'...come with wise rose."

Both my hands against his chest, I tried to push myself away...but found it increasingly difficult...he was persistent. "You know NOTHING about me...let're no one....NOTHING next to my Shori..." I grumbled trying to break free.

"Don't fight it...I am a know if I TRULY wished to make you mine it would be a simple matter of-" He mumbled with his mouth next to my ear.

"I said...let Go!" I struggled, not letting him finish that sentence...I knew...I...despised eyes started to well up with tears of my frustration. Frustration at the utter futility. "....please...just let me go..."

Suddenly I found myself in Shori's arms. I didn't see how it'd happened...but I didn't care. I grabbed onto him...not wanting to let him go. "Shori...Shori...." I mumbled repeatedly.

"It's alright Mei...I'm here..." He spoke soothingly.

"Adam! What were you thinking?!" Clovis called out from beside Shori. "How dare you-"

"Come now baby brother, I meant no harm. I was just having a bit of fun is all." He laughed it off, his hand was bleeding though...I could smell it... "Quite the little princess you have there...Shori."

"You'd do well to keep your distance." Shori growled, if not for me...he'd be in all out combat...I could feel his intense lust for was surging through him.

"Haha...well...we'll see now won't we?" Adam snickered. "After all, I do as I please. No low-level Noble is going to tell me just WHO I'm allowed to pursue. YOU'D do well to remember that."

With that he was gone. Vanished into thin air. Clovis had apologized repeatedly for his brother's behavior...but back then...I couldn't help but feel anxious about the ominous way in which Adam had departed. Something inside me...was afraid. -

"What does he want here Clovis? He CAN'T be a student...or would he truly come here to torment you that way..." I asked quickly.

"I don't know what he wants...but I get the feeling it's not something GOOD." Clovis confirmed.

"I don't care what he wants. I said it before and I'll say it again." Shori interjected. "He'd better watch himself...and keep his distance. That is-if he knows what's good for him."

I looked at Sho with concern-filled eyes. I just hoped nothing would happen to him...especially not on account of me...

Kira: o>O SHIMEI!! Look at you...attracting purebloods...
Shimei: Unwanted affections...I assure you...
Kira: But still...
Shimei: I've no need for any but Shori...
Kira: I KNOW! say that OVER AND OVER!
Shimei: *daydreams about Shori and tunes Kira out...*

-Anyway! You may continue if you like Kairi or Atticus! Have a blast! lol-
