Fixed Harp

The night beakened me. My mind could not focus on the text books infront of me. My desk crowded with the subjects we would be studing is only a few hours. I looked over at the empty bed beside me, my roommate remained vacant from here.... She would most likely be with her boyfriend... her friends....

I got up from my seat and walked out the door. With my unifrom on i prowled the corridors and observed the teachers and their respective teaching styles... however i could not help but feel... least i say it, bored. naturally my wonderings led me to the Music room, with the string instruments.

Coming close to the door i heard the rustle from within. Someone adjusting the instruments in the room, or perhaps damaging them in some unbelieveable way. I opened the door a pitch darkness in the room that was only split with the bright light coming from the window and blinding my sensitive eyes. I looked to were the intruder was, A male figure with the scent of pureblood in the wind. I saw in the shadow he created as his back faced the bright light of the window, he raised from whatever he was doing to look in my direction.

His slow purposeful actions compelled me forward.
"What is your name?" he remained silent. His hand raised ever so slightly as though he intended to touch my cheeck.... Still blinded by the lights i walked forward to catch a glimpse of his features... so they were no longer shrouded by the shadows.

"Please tell me, What is your name?" He backed away from me, with great speed he wiped around and jumped out of the window, gone with the wind. I ran to the window and intended to watch his running... but he was gone, hidden from my veiw. I sat on the window for a short while looking out, hoping to obtain a sight of this shadowed figure.

While sitting on the window sill i looked around the room, my eyes gazing in all the corners until to my surprise i saw my harp. It had been fully restored, the strings tight and tuned to the touch. Perfectly ready to be strung so that this harps song could be heard by me. Not by anyone except my ears......

I sat down, the seat still warm from the man who had just fled. balancing the Harp on my shoulder i began to play a simple melody. The notes ringing in my ears and gently around the room. I stopped for a second to gaze out the window again, hopping to catch a glimsp of the person who had so kindly gone to such trouble and fix my Harp... it would have taken hours... possibly longer if the person who fixed it was not a master in such a craft....

Tonight i played, the moon peaking out from behind the clouds that threatened to pour down in rain. I played for him.... whether he knew it or not, i would thank him, in my own personally way.

Stroking the notes gently i began to play a more difficult song.. one i had made up. It had the main theme of LOVE...Whenever it came to making up songs i could not help but become inspired by the plays of Romeo and Juliet, and soo many other romance stories that unfortunatly ended in sadness. I knew very little romance ideas that didn't end in such a way... or perhaps it was because i read such Dramatic Drama's. I gave a little chuckle to myself and stroked little tunes.

My hands were to start a new verse of this epic song when i heard a gentle knock at the opened door. I stopped quite suddenly and looked up from my place. As Sebastian stood there smiling,

"That was beautiful as always."
"How long were you standing there?"
"Only for the last bit... You are incredably happy today?"
"My harp has been fixed... magically." i chuckled at my pun.
"That's good to hear... i though i'd have to plan on sending it to a repairer... but i see that's not needed. However.... that does not explain the amazing smile and bright tune you had." he said a smile on his face as he sat down near me.

"I think... This school is what i have been wnating for a long time."
"How so?"
"I think i might just find... HIM."
"Your blood mate? is that so?"
"I believe so... I suspect you shall find yours in a second."
"I highly doubt I of all vampires would find mine.... but i shall hold my hopes high for you cousin." he said looking my in the eyes with sencerity.

"Come cousin. We had best get prepared for our lessons to come."
"I do not wish to study cousin."
"I know. But trust me." He held out his hand and led me out of the room. I looked back at my harp one last time as we exited the room. Perhaps if it was to break again, my shadowy overseeer would come back again... and next time i would say thank-you.

I smelled the blood in the air and looked about me. The music lesson had only just finished and i was left alone in the room packing up my things. Upon smelling the blood i rushed out the room and down the corridors to Jezabelle's room. It was vacant, text books lining the desk. I then continued to search for Jezabelle, all my attempts were in vain... but FINALLY i heard it. The gentle sound of a harp. Rushing to the Music room i came to see the door open and Jezabelle sitting in the corner playing. Her eyes shut in concentration i watched in peace. The smell of blood did not come into this room at least not yet.

I could not help myself in interupting her. I knew that hearing her play as such was an honour.... ecpessially seeing as she did not play this well when she had an audience... however i needed to protect her.... The smell of blood would no doubt enter this room through the open window and i could not let any evidence be known about what could possibly happen.
I jumped over the fence back into the school grounds. As i came up to the nearest rubbish bin i chucked the Spray can and nylon string peices in the bin.... i then proceded to the nearest washroom to rid my hands of the grease, grim and paint that had come onto them with my general mischeif making.

I couldn't help but grin as i saw the reaction to my merry making visualised in my mind.... BRILLIANT
ummm, yeah.... GO KIRA
