
In the meeting everyone but Hana decided to let the student participate in this mission. And so I did I. Now I just needed to chose who would be sent there for it.

All the teachers left to there duties and I proceeded to my office as I thought of who to send. My chain of thought didn't last very long as I came to a conclusion. Yes I think they would do well on this mission.

I made it to my office and when I was going to tell my assisted the names of the ones I had chosen she tolled me that a student had been waiting for me.
I tolled her to send him in then and that I would give her the names after this was done. I sat down on my char, crossed my
fingers in front of me and waited till the student came in. The door then slammed open startling me a bit and I noticed it was Rei Kiba.

"Oh, Rei. Hello!" I said as I smiled. "What brings you here today¨

"I want a private tutor." He said sharply.

"Oh? But before we get to that please, tell me how was your day?" I then asked him.Then wondered why did he want a private tutor? Dose he not like it here? Rei had been though hard times... Maybe he just needed some getting used to.

"Uneventful.incompetent,uneducational,frustrating,insane,unwanted. Need I continue you wolf in sheeps clothing?" He said answering my question.

I was a bit sad he didn't trust me... Calling me "a wolf in sheep's clothing" just show that. I took a deep breath
and said,

"I see so that's why you demanded that request."

"It wasn't even my decision to come to this disgusting school anyways." he then said. "Especially how you people treated my families death."

Then I remembered..."Ah yes, your families murder..." I said then began to look for his file and look though it. Murdered in a fire... Some thing I wished so hard for it never to happen to any one ever.

"Well I am sure it was tragic for you... But you must understand that they want you to move on and forget about the past." I tolled him knowing it was not possible.

In raged by what I had just tolled him, he slammed my desk with his hands so hard I had felt my desk almost break. and then
just as fast as he became in raged he yelled at me,


When he said that I could fell his pain. He wouldn't forget the past just as I never will ether...I had asked him to calm down, he didn'´t and said something I was not expecting.

"I'LL CALM DOWN WHEN EVERYONE KNOWS THE PAIN I WENT THROUGH HAVING TO WATCH MY FAMILY SUFFER IN THAT FIRE!" Then he tough a vase I had and smashed it through a window. "I'll put up with this school for now but the first person to cross me will die." He said and slammed the door behind him.

Rei...I do feel your pain more then you know. I lend back on my char and placed my hands on my face. I could feel tries coming as I remembered that day long ago... The day I watched my family burn alive and I nor Raphael could do anything to stop it. I wished to forget that event but never...Forget them...Even though death, which I knew was soon to come. I could feel my illness become worse with every passing day. Suddenly I found myself wondering in my own thought. I laughed a bit then got up and begain to clean the glass on the floor when my assistant came in.

"You wanted tell me some thing Headmaster? Oh...My what happened here?" She asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just...Never mind. Yes I need to that you the names."

"The names of those that will go no the mission, corret?"


She then took out a small note book from her pock and a pen to write them down. Ready for anything as always I see, I thought.

"Now get me Clovis .V. Seliongrave, Eliot Hackheart, Jezabelle Oread, James, Makoto Megami, Meridan, Miruki Iroku, Neo Dimetrinn, Ocean Tide, Rai Wilder, Rei Kiba, Shimei Aoitsuki, Shori Benitsuki and finaly Skylar Dreylah."

She looked at me wondering why those few and all of different races.

"No need to wonder." I said. "Have them at the meet room tomorrow. They will leave in two days."

Headmaster Able~
Every one is going now!

Sorry if I haven't written anything lately I've been busy...
