A vampire can cook??!!!

With a smirk on my face i continued walking, i could just feel the questioning face that Sebastian was pulling towards my back. He remained silent however as he lead me through the classrooms while the Demons still continued their lessons. We arrived at a classroom where an Angel stood, one wing black the other white, i was slightly entrigued but contiued walking.

"That was Raphael et Sinclair, he shall be your main teacher... He also teaches World History."
"Facinating.... An angel in a room of demons, who ever thinks that such a plan would go well is... well, need i say anything about the logic of such a person."
"That would be our Headmaster... Headmaster Able."
"How are you able to remeber all the facts of this school?"
"Simple my dear Cousin. Simple."

We continued walking until we were stopped by a woman as she rushed through the halls and corridors.
"AHH, Miss Oread... and Mr. Oread... correct?"
"That is I."
"You are requested to a meeting being held by the Headmaster Tomorrow, Miss Oread."
"What is this meeting about, may i ask?"
"Attned the meeting and you shall know."
"What about me?" Sebastian asked to the lady
"Your attendance is not required."
"Understood. Thank-you. I shall ensure Jezabelle gets there on time.

Sebastian watched as the woman passed, his face almost down-trodden as he came back to face me.
"Are you....."
"That was the receptionist. She was very kind when i wished to gather information on our classes and the little information that was availible on our teachers."
"Sebastian... Did you wish to go on this mission?"
"No, cousin That is not the meaning of my depression. I wished to keep an eye on you; and ensure that you did not miss classes."
"So you believe this mission will affect my grades?"
"Possibly cousin."

"Do not worry cousin. I shall take my 'food' along with me. Our curse will not be revealed while i am on this mission."
"I know cousin. I know."

My head turned and i looked into a classroom were a Man was teaching the demons something about combat... Just what we needed; demons with desent fighting skills.... Unconciously i twirled my umbrella and looked to the night sky. My first lesson was to begin shortly.... Ever so shortly....
After the whole incident with Jezabelle i nearly forgot my punishment... That damn pure, she almost made my punishment worse... I slamed into the kitchen, nearly breaking the door i slipped and went sliding on the floor under the tables and then slammed to a stop with my head colliding with the giant oven.

"About time Mr.... Ahhh, what's your last name son?"
"It's just James Miss.... No need for a last name."
"Well, the demons will be hungry soon. You had better get a hurry along."

I stood there for a second... This teacher was soo SMALL... Finally getting some focus i rushed to the fridge and wretched it open to see a bunch of different meats, veges and what-not. I grabbed out some mince and a leg of.... some kindda meat and started to cook the Demons dinner.... and the humans dinner.... what should i try and cook for the angels?

Slaving under the stove i couldn't wait for the next night... when i actually had somethign planned for dinner.
"What about vegetarians?" the teacher asked. i looked up from my cooking pulling a weird face.
"What ABOUT vegetarians?"
"You have no food that does not contain meat." i looked at all my dishes and then grabbing a lettuce leaf out from the burgers and a bun i slapped then together.
"There... Vegetarian BURGER.... Lettuce burger!!" i held the bun and lettuce leaf up for her to inspect. She looked at for a second then scoffed at it. Flying off i was left in the kitchen..... Cooking for loads of people without any help.... what a GREAT punishment!!

I just CAN'T wait for tommorow..... FUN!!! (sarcasm alert)
Jezabelle and James

(sorry ANYONE.... but James needed a punishment and i wasn't sure WHO or WHAT was cooking.... so that's why he's cooking by himself..... but you can change that and pretend that the fairy is being funny and making him THINK that he's gotta cook for everyone... hehe. BTW he is actually a GOOD cook... believe it or not, lol)
