School is a Blast....YOU LIAR

who ever said sophomore year was teh easiest was A FILTY LIARRRRRRRR. Ok i have way uber more homework. Ok i have a spanish,biology Honors, English Honors, and Geometry Test THIS WEEK! I have homework in every single class. In graphic Design i have to make a mobile Art. The peron im working with isnt that bad, im just not use to working with a partner. Im use to doing work on my own. I had to do a "pre" design in class, it turned out great. It was called dancing with wolves and it looked really good. But hers a happy moment for me. I came up witha topic for our september issue of the the news paper. Everyone seemed to like it, even my teacher(its amazing if she likes it) It was, " We should do a section specifically for the freshmen telling them the do's and the dont's of AHS, and things that they should consider doing that wont make the upperclassmen make their high school life a living hell." And well we are gonna do a top 10 brainstorming on what they shouldnt do.
1. Dont walk UP the DOWN staircase
2. Dont STOP in the middle of the hallway to have a little chit chat with your friends and block off the rest of the flow of traffic.
3. Stay on the righ hand side of the hallway
4. Dont get picked up in the BUS LOADING AREA
5. Act more mature and be ready for the changes from middle school to high school

* well we need some more but the last two where from One of my friends from bus duty and another is from my english teacher
So tell me what you think
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