Maria's Relationship Chart!

Maria- I will update this when things change!!!!

Nyarth – He is so sweet! We both like candy and even though we don’t talk a lot, he is my friend!
Lux – The first time we met, I think he was having a bad day T_T But I’ve grown a bit since then, so I hope that when he comes back, we can talk more!
Xio – He’s scary! >.< I try to keep out of his way and not make him mad.
Krory – I like the way she talks! Even if I don’t understand all of what she says…I think we are both intimidated by really pretty girls. I think she’s my friend!
Shupple – I’ve never really talked to Shupple, but she’s pretty and I would like to get to know her more…
Tanner – I’ve seen him around, he has cool hair! Um, I think he sometimes talks to himself, but that’s ok, I do the same thing sometimes ^_^
Estelle – I’ve only seen her…she’s so pretty, so I get shy and I forget to talk to her…
Delin – He’s like my big brother! I love Delin so much and I would do anything for him!
Haxlia – She is like my big sister, but she is also my idol. I look up to her and admire her for her beauty and confidence. She is everything I wish I could be…
Kiki– She’s cute! She likes Xio, and that scares me a little! o.0
Maura –I trained with her, I don’t think she liked me at first. But we are friends now, she even calls me nicknames like chuckles and smiles!
Ross- He is really really really polite and nice, except when he is talking to Zane…I think he is nice and I know I can hide behind him if I’m in trouble and probably be ok!
Zane – That’s Patrick’s cousin! I don’t know why Ross and Zane like to fight…Zane is a good person I’m sure, and he gives good hugs and he wants to be my friend I think!
Raimundo – Rai is a sweet boy! He sometimes calls me Miss Maria and that makes me giggle! We are good friends!
Damaris – She’s Delin’s girlfriend! Damaris and Delin have a beautiful relationship, and I look up to her. I miss her a lot and I want to see her again! T_T
Sneari – I trained with Sneari! We got along pretty much from the first day of training, but she seems to like to daydream a lot, but she is very nice and I can rely on her!
Patrick – *blushes* He’s my boyfriend. I would do anything for Patrick and I care about him so much! <3
Mist –She is so beautiful. I laugh when she appears behind people and scares them! I hope to get to know her more!
Chandacy – I’ve seen her with Ewan sometimes, but I don’t really know her. I think she and Ewan like each other! *giggles*
Ewan – The same as Chandacy! He seems shy, so I hope to talk to him more!
Hideki – I’ve never met him...maybe I will soon!
Lupe – She’s pretty with her long ears! I haven’t really talked to her, but I hear her more than I see her!
Kiiro – She’s so cute!!!!!! She’s and electric type like I am and she’s a nice friend! I like that she has a little crush on Rai! She is adorable and I would love to have a cup of bubble tea with her!
