
I've been submitting artworks here for a while, but my main website for my artworks is still cappuccino, so I've been more busy maintaining that site, as well as my Livejournal and pixiv. (If any of you use any of the latter two, I'd love to see you there!). So in addition to university work, I don't really have that much time to actually reply comments here at theOtaku.

But I'd really like everyone to know how grateful I am for those hugs, faves and comments. I appreciate every single one of them and I've been trying to reply as many comments as I can.

I hope everyone understands how important their support are to me, so really, to everyone so far,

Thanks =)

Tetsuo's way of saying thanks(?)


Finally, I am back in my hometown. Finally, I have Internet connection. Finally I have some time to draw. Finally I get to play the piano.

However, I can't draw seriously due to the lack of practice =( My piano playing has also become rusty beyond words OTL

But for now, I shall sketch randomly to get back into drawing ^^


Sweet Pool comic strip I did some time ago which is only available in Japanese. The art and story bombed ;w; so I shall leave it there:

New challenge!

Final Fantasy/Phoenix Wright challenge!

Chibi prizes! Draw characters from either/both series based on the videos given ^^

Do take part, I'd be quite sad if the minimum number of entries aren't met again this time ;A;

Final Exams again!!

Sorry for the lack of appearance or even signs of life here. It's been a rough semester in uni, but the finals for this sem finally starts tomorrow. After the 18th, I'll be freeeeeeeeeeee!

Though chances of me drawing will still be limited since I'll be travelling a bit, and have karaoke to look forward to =P I'll also be cooking more this holidays, I want to cook enough to have the confidence in making delicious food like my sis has (I mean, I can cook, but I just don't have that confidence yet). The mood to draw has kinda been gone lately anyway, uni does that (though I did promise that I'd draw a Jap friend, and I suck at drawing RL people in manga style, oh dear D: ).

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My 20th birthday cake, thanks for the birthday wishes here though I didn't have time to reply to all, I really appreciated them, like really *hugs*

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My Hetalia army

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MY LOVE! Cloud Black PS3 (with Advent Children and FFXIII Demo, which would you BELIEVE, I haven't opened yet .___. *saving for after exams*)

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My current reading project *heart* On page 70 something
Whoever kidnaps this man for me shall have my eternal gratitude

Anyway, back to studying for me. Just dropping by to say that I'm still alive and drop random pics XD

I leave with the crack and love that keeps me sane and happy forever:
Click on link, image limits being annoying
V6 (Yes, it's a Snow White skit they were doing, and recall that they're all guys XD)

lol April Fools Day

lol whoever's idea it was to turn all the icons here into sparkley Edward Cullen ones, it's NOT FUNNY! *sob and lol*

For April Fools' Day, I got to dress up in a seifuku and harrass people in the streets for charity. Totally fun!

Been busy with uni, I'll try to update when I can TAT