- Created By Annachuu
Contest/Challenge of doom! 8D
I'm sure all of my subscribers have been invited, but just in case, do check out my Mix and Match contest which I'm hosting. Three chibi requests offered as prizes for three different categories. Please do take part! =D
See, even Chibitalia's trying to bribe you with a tomato to get you to join ;w;
2000 - 2009
To my male English Cocker Spaniel.
I miss him. I hope I've been a good master.
Halp I am so new to this though I'm here for so many years
It's 4.37AM here, and I just decided to do something impulsive again and create two worlds here (one for general stuff, and the other for the deep dark world of fujoshi OTL If you're homophobic or just generally scared, please avoid the latter. If you're scared of crack, maybe you should just avoid me FOREVAR AND A DAY).
theotaku just started this new member introduction thing (darn it, I wish I was a newbie now XD), and senior members can mentor whichever new member signs up to it. I'd mentor any new member who is into Nitro+CHiRAL and maybe Devil May Cry haha
I am currently designing a few membership cards, which are SUPER URGENT so everything's put on hold for now. After that, it'll be back to my cookies and doujinshi. ;w;
On real life, I just sang my voice away in karaoke today, and Chinese New Year has been a blast!
I oekaki-ed this for my sis, but I thought I'd share it here anyway. Please don't post it anywhere else:
Oh God, it's quite bad and simply done OTL Done in... errr really quickly ^^;;;
Here's my to do list for February (ASAP) so that you guys know what to expect:
- Membership card designs
- Sweet Pool+Togainu no Chi+Lamento (i.e. Nitro+CHiRAL) crack pirate doujinshi ;w;
- Remainder of IOUs
- I have a kiriban at deviantART at 22,222 pageviews. Any DA users here, try to catch it :D
- Handwriting meme (which I won't be posting here)
- 表情andあなたの「○○は俺の嫁」を応援します(i.e. a 婚姻届) memes (which I won't be posting here)
- Translation for next next doujinshi release (yay, I got time ;w;)
- Finish DMC4
- Finish Dissidia: Final Fantasy (don't know how long that'll take but it is love anyway!)
- Get ready to go back to uni, nooooooo
My very very lame CG progress over here at DA.
I should be asleep. For now, have fun everyone!