A tale of there and back again

hi guys! wow, haven't posted in ages!!! well, unfortunately for y'all (and me) is that as soon as i figured out how to do all of this again, i have to move. v_v i'm going to Virginia cause my dad's in the military, and what sucks is i'm a sophomore in highschool (soon to be junior in sept) and then right after junior year i have to move AGAIN overseas. which sucks. i've been all emo about it for the past few weeks, specially cause i'm leaving my friends and my bf (same one from a looong time ago!! we've made it for almost eight months next week!!! ^^). so yah. nothing else has gone on, but i have posted a few more pictures if anyone wants to check those out. o, and i want to reccomend a few manga for y'all.

shonen: kurozakuro

9/10 awesome manga if you're into the whole humanity thing. it's about these demons who plant seeds into people and turn them into ogres. well this one boy who is constatnly bullied, has this weird dream about a young boy named zakuro who says he'll grant the boy's greastest desire as long as the boy helps zakuro fullfill his greatest desire which is make this dream (that's behind zakuro) go into bloom. the boy agrees, not realizing that now there is an ogre seeds planted inside of him, and it's about his struggle to keep his humanity and try to get it out along with other crazy side plots. (this is an ongoing manga)

if you're interested in this manga, just go to www.onemanga.com and look for the title in the manga list.

slice of life: genshiken
16+ (Older Teen)

10/10 if you're ever interested in a truly realstic manga, then genshiken is for you. it's about a group of college anime/manga/video game otaku kids and the mishaps and fun they go through. no giant robots, no warrior women, (and almost no eye candy if u can believe it! only two characters really draw any fanservice, which is slim to none.) just plain normal otakus. (or as normal as we can get...hehehe) but i do warn people, this is not something you want to show to your kid brothers or sisters. it does make jokes about porn (it does have a long running joke about pc porn games), and various other inappropiate things, but it's all in fun, just not for the younger tikes. (this manga is completed)

this manga is also on www.onemanga.com

jousei: (jousei is geared towards older women, typically more realstic romance stories w/out the glitter and glam) paradise kiss
16+ (Older Teen)

9/10 best jousei manga EVER. hot guys, awesome story line, romance, and did i mention hot guys? like uuuuber hot guys? like drop dead gorgeous hot guys? (okay, it more than just hot guys) this story surounds a good-two shoe girl who her whole life has conformed to what her mother wants her to do. until she meets a high school boy named george, who wants to be a fashion designer, and he wants her to be his model! it's a story about first love, growing up, and moving on. this story also has a few scenes not appropiate for younger kids, so bear that in mind. (this manga is completed)

this manga is also on www.onemanga.com

comedy/ecchi (ecchi means fanservice): tu-love-Ru

8/10 despite being a fanservice manga towards men, this series is actually pretty damn hilarious. while naked chicks come up in almost every chapter (or a panty shot) they're silloetted and it's not detailed. but despite that annoying factor (which is why it's only an 8), it's story line is great. it's about this young boy who is terrified of girls, and as soon as he gets the courage to confess to the girl he likes, this alien girl named Lala pops outta nowhere and decides to free-load offa him! not only that, she wants to marry him! so now poor Rito (the boy's name) suddenly finds himself w/more than he can handle, and more women just keep coming there way! this comic is drawn by the artist who does Black Cat, so if you see a striking similarity to one of the characters Yami, to Eve from Black Cat, that's why. (this manga is ongoing)

this manga is also on www.onemanga.com

and that's all! (betcha thought i'd never stop didja?) lol hope y'all have a great day!

twink out!
