hi guys, wow, things have been hetic these past few days. it's been CRAZY! i've been trying to draw, but failing epically, it's like my style changes like a pair of socks. UGH! so frustrating...

plus, my computer crashed w/all my programs, and i don't have serial numbers, so i'm gonna have to call companies to see if i can get them to give me some...i wish i had photoshop CS3, that would make my life so much easier.

i just finished reading the manga "full moon" and "hot gimmick" about a day ago. full moon was incrediably cute, and takuto is amazingly hot (i then decided if i go to a convention, i'm going to dress up as him, because i can pull off his hair and his kitty hat ;)), and the story was pretty cute overall. a little wacko in the middle, the girl is stupid (in my opinion, but there really aren't many shojo heroines that i like, besides sakura kinamoto from cardcaptors...). hot gimmick was good, until the end, which pissed me off. it was just unsatsfying. (i know i spelled that wrong). i'm looking for a new manga to read, so if anyone has any suggestions, tell me!! (i'm always looking for a new manga).

ever met anyone that pretends to know what they're talking about, but doesn't? i've found (i apologize to any freshman reading this, but it seems that the freshman at my school are notorious for this) that the freshman in my japanese class believe they know everything about anime. EVERYTHING. and u can't reason with them. it's's like talking to Navi from Zelda! they just spatting nonsense in ur face, expecting u to actually listen to them. it's insane!! like, one kid was trying to tell me tuxedo mask didn't throw roses in the original manga, now, me, who owns the first original manga, told her that she was wrong, and that he did. she attempted a one sided argument (because after she told me i was wrong, despite that the fact that she doesn't own the manga, (which i asked) and i about how the anime screwed over sailor moon and how he really didn't carry a rose. (plus, in YYH, they even make a joke about it with kurama, throwing a rose and some guy goes "who the hell are u?" and kurama goes "u can just call me, tuxedo mask!", Yoshihiro Togashi could do that because he's married to the chick who did Sailor Moon)) so stuff like that, yah, really burns me up. and my little sister, (who is a freshman) has a friend who was dissing the YYH dub, along with the FF VII advent children dub. now, as stated before there are really bad dubs out there (card captors and azumanga daioh being my all time hatreds), but those are two amazing dubs, and especially when u start dissing YYH, me's get angry...and she's some girl who just started watching anime a year ago. so, yah, sorry for the rant about that, i don't think all freshman have that mind frame, but, it really is annoying to have ppl (especially kids that are younger, yet taller than me...curse my five foot ness!) talk to me like i don't know what i'm talking about...what i have evidence to prove my point (like the sailor moon thing). yah....

well, i'm tired, so i takey a nappy. (i'm so lazy) it's friggen cold up here, the high today was 58, low was 39, as a texas/alabama girl, i'm freezing my ass off up here...TToTT

