btw, smexykazekage, i thought of u when i put this picture on here ;)
OMG! i think it's been about forever and a day since i've posted!! i apologized over and over for not being on as much lately, but it's these stupid teachers!! arrgh! but a good place to start is thanksgiving i suppose.
my boyfriend and his family flew up to see me!! *dances* it had been five months since i'd seen him, so i was very estatic. we mainly just hung out at my house, then we toured D.C. for a bit. it was fun and i really enjoyed seeing him, though surprisingly, it was a lot harder to watch him leave the second time than it was the first. maybe it's because i knew how much i missed him and everyone else. but i was glad that nothing had come between us, i know i had visited some of my friends from one of my old schools a few years back, and it was way awkward, and to be honest, i was afraid of that. though i shouldn't have, we hit it off like i'd never left. man i love that guy. ;)
enough of that sappiness, on the up side, my friend (who is "umi-kun on deviant art, so if any of y'all go on there, check out her stuff, it's AMAZING!) got me into Phoenix Wright!! *dances* omg i love that game, i'm totally addicted, drawn one fanart and one fanfic already. (it's posted on for anyone who wants to read it, it's under the pen name "haseo luver92" lol shouldn't be too hard to find me (o, and i did finally get a deviant art account, and i'm "haseoluver92" on there too!! lol). it's so fun!! it's a 10/10 for me (i've only given that rating to one other game and that's Zelda, Ocarina of Time btw). i can't wait to play the rest of them!!
o, and did i mention i'm trying out for the "phoenix wright musical"? that's right, little ol' me! lol for those that have played it, i'm going to try out for April May, and Lotta Hart. believe it or not, i can actually sing (decently) and i love their songs...did i mention i've been recently obsessed? lol
i despise my math teacher btw, i hope one day, an admin realizes that the bitch can't teach. that would make me so happy.
o!! and for someone who just needs a good laugh, i highly recommend the anime "Shin-chan". it's incredibly hilarious, not appropiate for anyone under 16, but it's so funny, it cracks me up. the drawings look like the person was drunk when they did them, but the story is just hilarious. you really have to have a perverted, weird, sadistic mind to like it, but hey (i'm looking at u, insane android, er, advarice tears, er, nicole? what do i call you now? TT0TT)
SPEAKING, of insane android, i have one thing to say.
actually it was, but still, not cool...just thought i'd bring it up one last time before i go. lol
and that's all!! i just hope Christmas comes fast!