Mood: mweh
Watching: South Park, the movie.
Wow, I find that I have to keep apologizing for my absence. v_v but I really am sorry, this was went on this week.
Trig (pre-cal) final
Physics final
English paper due
Five page Japanese project (comic)
Ten page Spanish story book
Two history quizzes
AND a history paper.
Plus the normal mountains of homework.
So, again, I'm sorry. But Let me fill you guys in what's been happening.
About two days ago my parents and I got into a huge fight (the second one for the week, I've never gotten into so many fights before, so I'm pretty...not upset, but it's pretty nerve wracking to say the least, especially since I really didn't start these fights, they did.) with my parents over the topic of "cross-playing" male characters.
Well, on thursday (which was our last day before spring break) umi and I (as well as a few other of our friends) wanted to cosplay at school, umi has a whole bunch of wigs, so I was going to wear her short black one and come to school as a character named "Hibari" from Reborn and were a suit (which I have, it IS a lady's blazer and pants, but I was going to get a tie from my friend). Well, I didn't think this was going to be an issue, because last year, I cosplayed Sanji with that exact suit nd a green undershirt to school and my parents didn't object, and I bought that Neji cosplay for about a 100 dollars for the con that I went to. But APPARENTLY, now it's an issue. So we get into this whole fight because they are afraid about how people are going to percieve me and stuff like that, plus I secretly think they think I'm a dike, as well as they know how to make me feel like a complete idiot. And it really pisses me off cause dad gets mad when I don't "talk" to them in these arguments, but everytime I do, it makes it worse! Cause they just shoot down my ideas and comments, like they don't matter (and I told them that they did that and they vehemantly denied that, but it's true, nothing I say matters cause it never affects the outcome, it always ends up what they want) and it just makes the dumb conversation even longer! Also, he kept making it sound like that I like going around dressing like men on a day to day basis! I'm like "dad, I'm playing a FRIGGEN CHARACTER," I don't get it. I really don't. Then he makes it sound like I'm the worst kid in the entire world cause (or rather, worst daughter) cause I don't like to wear dresses and skirts, I just don't. They're uncomfortable and I don't feel right in them. They look great on other people, but I myself, am not comfortable, but since I'm not, he uses that against me saying that I don't even want to dress up as a girl for my parents but I'll dress up like a boy for my friends? So he baiscally went on to say that I don't care about them except for money and for shelter. WHICH REALLY PISSED ME OFF. Because, all my life, all these grades, these classes, almost everything I've done is for them. I hate school, I hate these dumb classes, I'm NOT happy in them, and they're not for me. But because my parents want me to, I don't make a fuss and I suck it up. So yah, that comment pissed me off. Which led to probably the first time I've really ever defied my parents.
I emailed umi and basically told her later to bring the wig anways and bring a dress shirt. (like, a white one that would go under a suit) and I'd sneak my pants.
And it worked. I changed when I got there, and changed out before I got home. My parnets don't even know. But, on the plus side, everyone thought I looked awesome! Even people I don't even talk to commmented on my hair (everyone thought it was my real hair! lol, I'll post pictures when umi sends them) and thought it looked awesome! I mean, no one thought I was weirder than they already thought of me. (UMI LOOKS GREAT TOO!! OMG, she dressed up as Muruko from Reborn). Actually, my character go changed a bit, because my friend came in a suit, and HE really does look like Hibari, so they gave me a pair of glasses and found out that I look like Watanuki (xxxholic) so I was Watanuki! lol
So yah...I don't feel too great about decieving my parents, but I don't feel bad either, because, I think I was right. And maybe it still doesn't matter, and I'm still a loser cause I only verbally told them that, and it didn't work, and I didn't make the effort to prove it to them because I was afraid they wouldn't let me go to San Antonio (which I'll get to in a second) but, internally I feel better because maybe I proved to myself that they don't control me? I dunno...I normally don't do things against my parents, but this time, I was really mad, But yah...on a happy note...
I'M GOING TO SAN ANTONIO!!! *dances* TOMMOROW! Omg, I've waited so long! I'll get to see my bf, kaname luver, and all my friends again! I'm staying at kaname luver's house for a WHOLE FRIGGEN WEEK!! WOOO HOOO! (I haven't see my bf in five months, and my friends in a year!!) So i'm excited. (unfortuntately I won't be'm SORRY! (again))
Also, I've found an undying love for South Park lately. I really not supposed to watch it, but since I watch Shin chan I figured it couldn't be any worse....and omg is it funny! A bit...inappropiate at times...but still. I just got finished watching the movie, and kenny is adorable!! >< he really is a cutie (in reference to them being kids, not like in "hot" cute, cause that would be weird...)! I wanna draw them in anime form and see what they would look like! lol Butters is funny, and I really like guys should watch it!
OMG I've typed so much!! O_O
Well, I hope everyone is having a great time, and again, I'm sorry,