Hi guys! This world I created will be all about animals (just like the title
) ... I like animals very much, but not all of them ...
I like cute animals, such as puppies, cats, wolf(??), and many more ...
Hope you all enjoy it!!!!
- Created By sweet candy
A Cat's Feeling
I'm not a human or animals. I'm a half beast and half beasts are rare ...
We were animals when we were young, but we're a half beast when we get older. I remember that my mother died after me and my brother was born. My brother's fur is black, but mine's white. I don't know why our fur color are different, but we're twins, you know ... I vaguely remember that my owner dump me and my brother inside a box with just the two of us. He didn't say anything, but he gave each of us a same collar, and left us somewhere.Thankfully, there were some leftovers near our box, and we ate it for our survival...
A few years later, a child pick me to become her pet. I was pretty scared at that time. My brother was looking out for food when it happens. The child carried me inside a black object with 4 round thingy???(car). I don't really know what happened to my brother because I was separated from him and I can't do anything because I was too scared.
Then, the black object I was carried in stopped in front of a big house. I was carried by my new owner inside that house. Since then, she gave me some delicious food and milk every day. At first, it was scary, but at last it feels so comfortable. Several years later, something's happening to me: at night, I turned into a half beast, but in the morning I'm a big cat again.
Because of that, my owner sent me to a Royal reception center where I was put inside a large cage. I was so sad, and now I hate humans more than ever. The next day, around midnight, i was forced by a human guard to go to a large opened cage in a field that was full with human crowds. I was pretty sure it was a battle arena.
Then, another half beast like me who has black fur entered the cage. That moment, i remembered that I used to have a twin brother. I said to myself,"What would he look like if he's a half beast?". Suddenly, I had a thought that the other half beast in the arena was my brother. But I doubt it, because that half beast got a pair of cold eyes, but my brother didn't used to have one (as far as I know it).
We have no other option but to fight, so we did it. Several hours later, we were already exhausted, but the crowds still going crazy. Then, after the sun came out, we were turned back into large cats. At that time, we had a look at each other and I noticed the same collar as mine hanging on his neck. We both realize at the same time that we were the separated siblings. I was very happy and my brother's eyes turned back into a pair of warm eye I used to know. I'm sure that he got that cold eyes because he had been threaten pretty badly by the humans, just because he is a black cat. Well, at the end, we break out of that crazy human's place. Together, we wander to a nice, happy place we've always dream of