Changing Colors

Two months ago my ex-boyfriend broke up with me. He's excuse was because I wasn't going to move by him & go to a certain college.
Two weeks ago he texted me about having a new girlfriend.
Two things occurred to me...1: He was probably talking to this other girl while we were dating. & 2: I could care less because its his loss !
Not to sound metrosexual in anyway, but I am so much better than he is. I have a great group of people who love me just the way I am...weirdness & all.
So this is titled "Changing Colors" for all you guys & gals who had a relationship that you put all your heart & soul into. Then down the road the person you THOUGHT you loved the most shows their true colors of breaking up with you for complete stupidity or to be with someone else.
So I say never change who you are on the inside or outside. The best part of a person is their heart & I know we all have big ones !!
