Strange or not xD

Lol Hey guys, long time no post/see xD. How have ya guys been?! what have ya been upto? My exams finished a few weeks ago and I am enjoying the freedom somewhat xD But I got alot to catch up in school so blah ~w~ lol. Anyways, i just finished reading this manga I had started well actually I finished 5 or so and this was either my 6th or 5th i think @.@ no clue xD Anyways as I was saying, before starting the manga I saw everyone wrote in google and in the mangas threads on the website that it had a bad ending and what not, like the worst ever in the history of endings lol. I know sounds extreme and that's what I thought to "what the hell is gonna happen to make everyone react like this?" (makes you wanna see it no?). At first I thought I should skip it and not depress myself over a bad ending but I still decided to go through it since the story seemed amusing and the main girls transformation was pretty nice(don't wanna give spoilers so not saying xD). Anyways I went through it quick and already prepared myself for the worst ending from the get go, but to be honest O.o I found it good. I mean, I sort of predicted this would happen in the end (from the mangekas way of doing things) sure it would have been the opposite if it was any other manga but the way the author didn't stop the confusion over which person she would pick earlier on, it started to become in a way something bond to happen I think(but you can never be sure) but seriously everyone was over reacting to such a degree for no reason xD It makes me laugh a little and at the same time feel sad for the writer. The ending was good, I totally understand why many ppl were devastated by it but still its not that bad to the point you say its a waste of time reading it or something that extreme xD. Even tho the other guy was better I suppose =w= (I liked him actually and would have liked the mains and his pairing more) but still. Anyways just wanted to talk about it a little about it with ya guys( >> U mean alot *shots clone*) >O>. @.@ Makes me think I must be super strange if I am the only one who accepted the ending without such disappointment xD (then again I was prepared) lol not sure, what do you guys think xD? If the main character picks cute and innocent over handsome and protector, would you be mad? am I strange to accept it xD? Let me know and sorry for ranting so much xD

p.s you guys might have read it cutexguy lol just thought I would mention the name just incase. Oh and I will edit the mistakes later =w= if any when I get time so I apologies for them if any.
